Mirage wrote:Actually, I didn't say that all Albertians (is that the term?) are Mennonites. The place on Lucy's google map is La Crete, Alberta. And that is a (predominantly)Mennonite community, according to Wiki. Now, Wiki could be wrong.
And as for Alberta not getting any snow, you're not missing much.
But sorry for the assumptions! I hate when people think everyone from CT is rich and snobby!
lol, it wasn't you in particular, I just think that not a lot of people know a lot about Alberta (save for the fact that there is an awesome mall in Edmonton, and that there was a case of BSE here a while back). I just wanted to take the opportunity to kill any preconceived notions that we were nothing but cattle farmers and German hamlets
... aaaaaand back to the plot.
edit: it's Albertans
I used to live in Red Deer a few years ago. Alberta doesn't have the climate for wet winters due to the rainshadow created by the rockies. Its just cold, bitterly dry and cold. I live in southern Ontario now, and it gets WAY more snow.
Actually, it just snowed here today.
And Oilers kick ass
Edit: I just walked to and from school, and it is very, very wet outside. So there. Enjoy Ontario
Luv2Skydive wrote:I took these two pics from the last two videos and compare a couple of things in them to see if they are possibly from the same day.....it looks promising. She is wearing a black bra in both, maybe the same one?
Actually I'm guilty of wearing the same bra more than once before it being cleaned.
Oy, been busy the last couple of days, and so I had to read through these 36pp all at once. Just wanted to add that maybe absinthe or wormwood or whatever was also responsible for Bree's strange, drugged-out demeanor in the "In the Park" video. That's all.
Alee8386 wrote:
OMMMGGGG!!!! I haven't seen or even THOUGHT about her in forever! I'm going to go see if there's any clips on YouTube on her!
If so, share please
And in the next video there's a random Small Wonder reference... even though the main characters would be too young to have ANY idea what we're talking about.
I am gone all day and you guys are talking about "Small Wonder" now!?! Oh my heck I loved that show (showing my age as well)...but I digress, so now we have a Robot in the series. Very interesting.
Okay raise your hand if you have been up all night and all day (and still haven't even had a nap).
Or raise your hand if you are reading this mb instead of doing school work. Ah, creators creating such a temptation. I have no clue who that girl is other than it says vicky and "Small Wonder" on the link.
spaciegirl wrote:I don't think the actual poster is significant at all. It's just a common copy of a lithograph that was an advertisement for a brand (Robette, I assume) of absinthe. I doubt that the artist is well known or significant and this type of thing isn't neccessarily even thought to be fine art (especially not at the time it was made) by many people. I think that absinthe is the clue. Maybe it is the reason why Bree seemed a little dopey in the last video..
I'm an art history major so I just have to correct you out of habit, lol! The artist is Alphonse Mucha, and he's very famous. Maybe what he did wasn't 'fine art' but it was revolutionary graphic art.
Other than that, I don't think there's any significance to Mucha. I think they just wanted something that said Absinthe on it, and they found that advertisement and used it. I have about 5 of his posters, they aren't hard to get.
Carry on!
Hello. I'm student of art history and i must say that artist IS NOT Mucha. It's another poster artist who was active in his time - Privat Livemont. Just Google his name.
haha, funny how many corrections there have been to the artist of that poster. what do they teach in schools these days?
Katie wrote:I think the date on the compy IS important. think about it. we are meant to get the names of cities off the map, correct? so that means we have to take screen caps, correct? I think they would have checked the vid, made sure the names were clear and readable, at which time they would have seen such an obvious error.
on some thread there was mention that the actor who plays daniel was responding to complaints of the lame-ness of the last 2 videos (on myspace?) and he said to wait for the one he just shot. does anyone remember this? maybe we can deduce which day it was shot. it may not have even been shot on the 12th which would mean it HAS to be important.
I agree. I don't think they could've missed such an obvious error. Well, obvious if you put the video together and have to replay it multiple times. I think it has significance somehow.