LOL! Thanks!turkeyfeather wrote:
Mirage, i LOVE the cat!

Ok people, I think we all need to take a DEEEEEP breath here. Perhaps laugh at my funny picture?

Moderator: Moderators
Mirage wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:yeah, n00bs, quit being such yoko onos
Ok, I'm gonna add to this, cause I just saw ANOTHER post meant only to attack a fellow member.
I belong to another forum. A HUGE forum. So of course the rules there are a lot more strict than they are here. That doesn't mean, however, that this place is devoid of rules. Most people here are intelligent human beings that should be/are able to tell right from wrong. Yet I see too many posts from people that are going out of their way to harass or attack another person. Seriously, WTF?! Are we all 7 years old here? Why is it so hard for some to act with common human decency and not go out of their way to hunt down and harass other people. We get that people on here disagree. Cool, good. I disagree with people on here too (more than I let on). But I dont seek out every damn post they've created just to reply snarkily to it.
It's called respect, and I believe it is more than lacking on this forum. It makes me feel sorry for the decent people on here, that they have to put up with reading this garbage.
*blush* Nora, I got the joke!Nora Volkova wrote:Mirage wrote:Nora Volkova wrote:yeah, n00bs, quit being such yoko onos
Ok, I'm gonna add to this, cause I just saw ANOTHER post meant only to attack a fellow member.
I belong to another forum. A HUGE forum. So of course the rules there are a lot more strict than they are here. That doesn't mean, however, that this place is devoid of rules. Most people here are intelligent human beings that should be/are able to tell right from wrong. Yet I see too many posts from people that are going out of their way to harass or attack another person. Seriously, WTF?! Are we all 7 years old here? Why is it so hard for some to act with common human decency and not go out of their way to hunt down and harass other people. We get that people on here disagree. Cool, good. I disagree with people on here too (more than I let on). But I dont seek out every damn post they've created just to reply snarkily to it.
It's called respect, and I believe it is more than lacking on this forum. It makes me feel sorry for the decent people on here, that they have to put up with reading this garbage.
D'oh, Mirage, I was extending the Beatles-joke. Obviously not very well, though.
spaciegirl, i was not trying to get something started. I was not going to reply to what you said because I dont want you to think im personally attacking you, but I have to say something. I dont think singling ppl out and flaming them in a forum is appropriate at all, so Im going to try to say this in a way that is not offensive. But there has been obvious bashing of Thelemites on these forums. I'll show you some examples.spaciegirl wrote:I never said anything about Thelema that was untrue. Tannhaus himself is the only one who has implied that my comments are meant to ridicule Thelema or Crowley. Infact, I have seen him state that "other people" think Thelema is Satanic or about eating babies, sacrifices etc. more than I have actually seen these "other people" say such things.
exanimatebylove wrote:it's worshiping the devil, more or less, in my eyes. The end. If you don't wanna admit to yourself that you are for whatever reason that's fine but at the end of the day that is basically what is going on. Did you not read anything else I wrote? WOW...And what's your view on Allister Crowley? He didn't worship the devil either? He was a wonderful human being, right?
She whole-heartedly believes they are satan-worshippers.exanimatebylove wrote: All I have to say is you sit there and wave you're fingers at me for being judgemental and then you say something worse then what I just said. Wow. Look, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That was really not my intent. I was simply stating that it scares me nowadays how people just believe anything that is put in front of them. They don't look for other answers or options or anything. They just believe. And it upsets me how nowadays people believe and worship Satan.
I would be defensive if someone was talking about my beliefs that way, when I know thats not at all what it is like.JerseyJohnny wrote: It's interesting to me that all the Thelimates deny anything that us normal people find out about them. It is part of their religion to lie, you know, and they will hide their secrets at any cost, and lying is the easiest thing for them to do.
It's always funny to me when they deny the rituals and baby-sacrifices and virgin sacrifices and ritual sex orjies they have. I mean, of COURSE there going to LIE about it! LOLMAO, does anyone expect them to be like "Oh, OK yeah, you figured it out, we kill babies and eat them, I guess our secret is out!" LOLMAO! Of course they won't admit it becaue then they Goverment will be after them for buying human beings to kill and eat! I don't know if eating them is against the law but buying and killing them sure is!
Fonz thinks they dont have the right to represent themselves as 'normal'.Sfonzarelli wrote:I know I was kind of harsh. It's not that they were trying to convert people. They weren't, and if they didn't, it wouldn't offend me in the least. It was more that they were doing this reactionary "OMG THELEMA IS NORMAL - OMG I'M OFFENDED THAT THEY'RE MISREPRESENTING MY RELIGION" thing that would be just as suited coming out of a Mormon's or Scientologist's mouth. I think maybe they need to lighten up.PansGirl wrote:I am a frequent reader....heavy lurker...and I am a fan of SFonzarelli. I like your insight, but seemed harsh on the Thelemites that posted in this thread. Someone specifically asked for anyone within the faith to pipe up and I really didn't feel like they were trying to convert anyone.
Well, to be quite honest, it backs up my belief that society makes us predjudice. We fear what we dont know, what is different. The problem is a lot of feelings can be hurt in the process.spaciegirl wrote:the fact that I "am not the only one acting this way" should, perhaps, tell you something.
You know what spaciegirl, at this point im not going to argue with you. You can say what ever you want to say. When it gets down to the nitty gritty, when someone disses you, your appearance, your personality, your beliefs, WHAT EVER... you are going to be defensive. Like i said earlier, all i was trying to get across is that they have a right to be offended, PERIOD. Thelemites. Not just tannhaus.spaciegirl wrote:exanimatebylove is most definately the minority. Jersey Johnny is being funny...I didn't get him at first either, and I don't see anything wrong with what Sfonz said at all. Infact, his point is very similar to my original point which was 1.that I thought Tannhaus was being overly defensive and reactionary, point out that all religious groups get ranked on (especially in the realm of entertainment...and who cares?)and 3. that just becuase one persons perception of Thelema is a certain way does not mean that everyone shares the same views. Most of the people on this forum have been rather intelligent and inquisitive while forming their opinions, yet Tannhaus constantly critiques them..even people that try to defend him and, in my opinion, acts as if his word is absolute law. And what I meant by saying that I am not the only one that feels this way is that others find him to be insulting and irritating as well. I did not mean to say that everyone who disagrees with Tannhaus, even the people who think he worships the devil, are correct. Maybe you should go back and read all of his posts where he is presumptuous and biggoted in his opinions of others and their religions.