Sarah may want you

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Sarah may want you

Post by Lurker »

Hey, Daniel. I know you're kind of busy right now, what with looking up Jules' medical records and trying to figure out what happened to Bree, but I'm thinking that this needs to be brought to your attention in case you hadn't already considered it.

Go back and watch your footage of "Crazy Emo Chick," "No Trespassing" and "Let's Play Doctor" again. Also, read Sarah's blog if you haven't. In there she indicates — after meeting you — that there's a new guy she likes. Taking that into account along with her behavior towards you ... well it's like putting two and two together.

I'm hoping that you see the connection, unlike the way Bree used to carry on where you were concerned. Sarah's incredibly awesome, dude, so you'd better take advantage of this situation for all it's worth. Otherwise, I shall be very disappointed in you. Not kidding.

The girl is probably the only one you've met so far who I'd say is a perfect match for you. You've both got a lot of frustration at the world, I think, and I believe you're both looking for someone who would show commitment. What's more, she's different enough from you for you to spend a long time getting to know each other and surprising one another. Also, she likes doughnuts — the frosted kind with the chocolate on top no less! You can't go wrong with this one. Go let her take you down to the lake, ASAP.
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Re: Sarah may want you

Post by sack36 »

Lurker wrote:Hey, Daniel. I know you're kind of busy right now, what with looking up Jules' medical records and trying to figure out what happened to Bree, but I'm thinking that this needs to be brought to your attention in case you hadn't already considered it.

Go back and watch your footage of "Crazy Emo Chick," "No Trespassing" and "Let's Play Doctor" again. Also, read Sarah's blog if you haven't. In there she indicates — after meeting you — that there's a new guy she likes. Taking that into account along with her behavior towards you ... well it's like putting two and two together.

...and getting 5!

Nice try at an end run, Lurker! LOL
Lurker wrote:The girl is probably the only one you've met so far who I'd say is a perfect match for you. You've both got a lot of frustration at the world, I think, and I believe you're both looking for someone who would show commitment. What's more, she's different enough from you for you to spend a long time getting to know each other and surprising one another. Also, she likes doughnuts — the frosted kind with the chocolate on top no less! You can't go wrong with this one.
Do my eyes decieve me, or are you finally letting your heart see what your eyes cannot, Lurker? I know you really like Sarah and I can really see why. She's vivid! She's dangerous! She's wild and free!

And while that may be terrific for a quick fling, in the long run all it will lead to is disaster.

Daniel, you have a tendancy to get attached to the women you are drawn to. You obviously bring a tender heart to any relationship and I've watched you get it crushed. Sarah may enjoy a linkup for a time, but she's not looking for anything long term. She wants an explosion, not a fire.

Lurker talks about taking a long time to get to know her and I think that's just exactly what you are looking for. But I watch Sarah and her mood swings and the competition she has with her sister and I see two or three months down the road she'll be looking at you like a lode stone holding her back. If you can harden your heart to it and know that that's coming, I won't be the one to paddle your hide. But do be warned. Think of it as the wisdom of age. I'm the oldest on the forum and I see trouble in her.


Post by Lurker »

I — and Taylor too, apparently — think that much of Sarah's behavior is an act, Daniel. Including the notion that she's only interested in quick flings. She's claimed it to be what she wants, sure, but she soon after contradicted herself in expressing disappointment over the a*****e she recently got with quickly moving on to someone else. Even now she's wishing veneral diseases upon him.

She's expressing an interest in you, I think, Daniel. She's probably never been with someone yet who was interested in something long-term, like you. Give it a go. I think this is the one for you.
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Re: Sarah may want you

Post by HeartofSorrow »

sack36 wrote:She wants an explosion, not a fire.
Yeah but you are forgeting, sack36, after all explosions there is always a fire.
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Re: Sarah may want you

Post by Inigo »

Lurker wrote: Go let her take you down to the lake, ASAP.
So that's what you youngsters call it these days? LOL

I definately encourage Daniel to give it a try, but if it doesn't work out then we musn't feel disappointed. And I agree with sack, I think Sarah is looking for a one night stand, and Daniel seems to be looking for his wife.
Last edited by Inigo on Sun May 20, 2007 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by iampenguin »

Look, Dan, I'm gonna be blunt:

...This is the best chance yer gonna get in a long while, considering your track record. Yeah, she's "emo", but she is NOT an Order chick nor is she a crazy bitch.

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Re: Sarah may want you

Post by sack36 »

HeartofSorrow wrote:
sack36 wrote:She wants an explosion, not a fire.
Yeah but you are forgeting, sack36, after all explosions there is always a fire.
No, child, there isn't. Just ask the men who cap blown oil wells. Or the people who use explosives to collapse buildings. Or someone who just had their friendship blow up in their face. It's not fire that comes after. Not at all.
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Post by marlasinger »

mmmm. sarah.
my love tastes a lot like tofu.

The Bree Solution.

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