I thought the flirting was just jonas bringing some humor to the situation. Then Taylor saying "does that work on all the girls, or just me?" seemed to throw him for a loop. Did you notice the awkward eye shift as he said "wow i don't know my own powers..." and got up?mindinflight wrote:Yeah, that's the vibe I got from that whole exchange, as well. But hey, I've still got my fingers crossed for Bree/Jonas... that's just me.sparrow wrote:Also, does anyone else here believe in harmless flirting? Overall, I thought that's what was going on. Just a joking sort of flirting that he's not really aimed at getting the girls.
Sarah is growing on me in a huge way. I think the character might be too over the top here or there, but i love her snapishness. The interaction between she and Daniel is great.
Trait negative? Well...looks like she's not the girl and they may have wasted a whole lot of time messing around with the whole kidnapping business. Does anyone else wonder how jonas feels now that it's becoming apparent that not only was he in this situation--which he disagreed with, and felt to be taking time away from what he wanted to be focusing on (his parents)--but that it was all for nothing? and now bree's gone?
and we don't hear much from daniel anymore as far as how he feels about all this. he's just there for the ride, it seems. used to be, daniel had something to say about all this. what's going on in the mind of the danielbeast?