0193 - "I Know What Boys Like" [05/16/07]

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Post by WriterGirl »

I KNEW MySpace was evil! I KNEW it!
(I can just imagine them sitting in their fancy smancy offices stockpiling all of those stupid surveys people post, lol. "Subject #17690B hooked up with their crush last night, ooooooh!")
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Post by allisonjenna »

Sarah's makeup was really odd in this one.
Her face is a different color than her neck :|
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Post by RedRevolver »

allisonjenna wrote:Sarah's makeup was really odd in this one.
Her face is a different color than her neck :|
She looked a bit ill.

:/. I dunno. Lemme check.

It doesn't seem to be. She just looks ill.
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Re: 0193 - "I Know What Boys Like" [05/16/07]

Post by lonelygirl »

alysaface wrote:New video! Alot sooner than I thought it would be!!!

Oh dear, Sarah is skanky, haha, but I <3 it. She reminds me of myself in highschool.

oh MAN i just realized something..

Anyone get a sense of "gemma" here??

Like... when all that drama was going on with Bree and Daniel before, about going home-not going home-homeless.. All Gemma could do was make a video of herself blabbing on about... herself..

May I just say, PLANT! =P
I don't think the order would plant someone like Sarah. She's too wild for them. Think of how the order girls are raised.

And yes, Sarah's character is cool. It's refreshing to see a different type of character. She's so much more real. Taylor's voice kind of annoys me a bit.
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Post by jumpingtadpoles »

But just because they are order, does not mean they will be treated like the girls that are prepared for ceremoies...

I think Sarah has gone Emo because of what has gone in her life. Obviously her parents relationship ending has bearing on her outlook on life. I don't think I would call her Emo, really, though, just somewhere else... She looks far from Emo, IMHO.
besides, i would be upset if I was pushed into the closet just becasue of my soccerstar parents. (totally not taylor's fault, since her mom seems to push her)

I liked the video, it was refreshing, even if it wasn't productive. But hey it may have been, but we just don't get it....

who listens to their parents at that age, anyway? lol, i would sneak out and hang with the boys. at least if I was sarah (taylor seems uptight like that)
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Post by sack36 »

robtomorrow wrote:
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Again, more crazy theories from me, but the recent videos from Jonas, Taylor and Sarah just point to all three of them being Order.
At this point I suspect everyone as being a part of the Order. I am even casting a suspicious look at you Apo
But, Rob, Apo is order!
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

TOSG wrote:
robtomorrow wrote:Did I just stumble on another inconsistency?

Sarah's myspace blog entry for April 18th,

"My nemesis (everybody has a nemesis, right? Mine is my little sister) gets absolutely anything she wants! Case in point: TODAY! It started out like a pretty typical day with her whining to my dad because she hates this that and blah blah blah."

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... bbf5e66fML

If thier Dad left them it must of been quite recently, like in the last few weeks. :?
Nice catch. Maybe the parents are divorced and have split custody or something.

But probably just a continuity error.
Or maybe Sarah is mentally ill and thinks their father is still there.
Or maybe Taylor is mentally ill and thinks their father left.
Or maybe they're both mentally ill and they are actually the same person.
Or maybe they are Cassandra and Alexandra.

Maybe I should stfu.
I really want someone to be insane.
I like crazy people.
I have to go watch Sybil now.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

sack36 wrote:
But, Rob, Apo is order!
In Character? You know it. You are wise to suspect me.
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Re: Sarah - ROCK HANDS!

Post by looking4answers »

alysaface wrote:
house wrote:I kept waiting for that old song, "I know what boys like..." to start playing.
Haha!! I was singing the song in my head the whole time the video was playing!
haha me too
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Re: Sarah - ROCK HANDS!

Post by HisGirl »

looking4answers wrote:
alysaface wrote:
house wrote:I kept waiting for that old song, "I know what boys like..." to start playing.
Haha!! I was singing the song in my head the whole time the video was playing!
haha me too
the waitresses ftw!
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Post by voyboy »

nowherepixie wrote:She's brilliant. She's so different to all the other characters.

I hope BDJ don't magically 'fix' her and she turns back to a cheerleader type again!
With that tongue?

No way.
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Post by Jveritas »

I'm in love with Sarah :o
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Post by saralynn »

I feel like this is Gemma all over again! I'm the only one that thinks Sarah is one-dimentional and blah. :(
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Post by WriterGirl »

HisGirl wrote:
looking4answers wrote:
alysaface wrote: Haha!! I was singing the song in my head the whole time the video was playing!
haha me too
the waitresses ftw!
Me, too!
Or maybe Sarah is mentally ill and thinks their father is still there.
Or maybe Taylor is mentally ill and thinks their father left.
Or maybe they're both mentally ill and they are actually the same person.
Or maybe they are Cassandra and Alexandra.

Maybe I should stfu.
I really want someone to be insane.
I like crazy people.
I have to go watch Sybil now.

I'm thinking the whole inconsistancy is just Sarah and/or Taylor not quite being used to the situation yet. That would fit with their Dad not having been gone that long.

Or maybe it's just a continuity error.
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Post by robtomorrow »

WriterGirl wrote:
Or maybe Sarah is mentally ill and thinks their father is still there.
Or maybe Taylor is mentally ill and thinks their father left.
Or maybe they're both mentally ill and they are actually the same person.
Or maybe they are Cassandra and Alexandra.

Maybe I should stfu.
I really want someone to be insane.
I like crazy people.
I have to go watch Sybil now.

I'm thinking the whole inconsistancy is just Sarah and/or Taylor not quite being used to the situation yet. That would fit with their Dad not having been gone that long.

Or maybe it's just a continuity error.
Sarah updated her blog today to cover the consistency error(?) that we commented on last night, her parents now seem to be separated or divorced .

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... bbf5e66fML
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