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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

Wow, I am so ridiculously jealous of everyone living in Europe, hehehe.

I have it better than most people in the US 'cause I live directly on the border between Canada and the US (if I turned around to look out the window right now, it's right there. It's so marvelous.) so a few hours on the train gets me to Montreal where it's at least different, but mostly wherever you go you're still in the US and the differences aren't TOO crazy.

I know where you're coming from, Haether. I grew up in Ohio, went to France for a bit, and then moved to Upstate New York, hehe. People in the US are different all over the place, but not so significant as Europe, I'm really jealous of that. I think it would really change your whole world view to be able to jaunt off to a significantly different country just for a day and come back.

I mean, I go to Canada because the Starbucks in Canada is closer than the one in my own country... but it's not really a change, hehe.

Anyway, this is an awesome thread, way to put Jonas' worries into perspective. For me, it doesn't really seem all that big maybe 'cause I usually get stuck on that stupid multi day road trip ready to kill myself and everyone else in the car... but for people who don't do that a lot, and thinking back on it seeing all of the country differences, it really IS a LOT. O_O
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Post by RedRevolver »

Europe is awful. I'd prefer to go to the orient, or maybe Australia. Not because it's 'different' but just because they usually are the nicest people in the world.

Japan is so beautiful.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Yeh, I found in Africa and Australaisia the people are friendliest :)

I've not been to America since I was 3 so I have no idea about you guys :P
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Post by allisonjenna »

America has a mixture of nice and mean people.

But mostly stupid people.
But I think retail work has embittered me...
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Post by nowherepixie »

God yes. Retail work made me angry at the human race!
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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

allisonjenna wrote:America has a mixture of nice and mean people.

But mostly stupid people.
But I think retail work has embittered me...

I used to work at the mall too. The one that all of the tour buses came to. O_O

(I live in a tourist mecca. gasp)

It is my experience thus that every country has mostly stupid people, hehehe. Not LG15ers though, no... we're the good ones. :)
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Post by nowherepixie »

We must be. Seriously, people made me just angry to be human when I worked in a shop!
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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

LOL! I knooow. That's why I like working in a grocery store now, because I only have to look at them for 30 seconds and that's about it...

People. Become real jerks when they're spending their money. I think it's a rule.
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Post by cbizzle44 »

i used to think america had a monopoly on stupid people
then i travelled a little bit
i was wrong.... every country has it's share
we're just known for it
because ours are more outspoken i guess. and stubborn.
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Post by irenedirks »

jee I'm glad I finally made a thread worth it's existence

but I like living in Europe too but I don't agree with germany and austria being like each other at all

not the mountains or the history or the people

but anyway

I never realised how large America actually was untill my aunt who lives in Boston said that her son lived on a six hour plane flight away in San Jose california

that shocked me because it's also six hours to get to boston from amsterdam so it's just as big as it's far away
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Post by nowherepixie »

Yeh that's...amazing!
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Post by Inigo »

RedRevolver wrote:Europe is awful. I'd prefer to go to the orient, or maybe Australia. Not because it's 'different' but just because they usually are the nicest people in the world.

Japan is so beautiful.

I loved Japan and the people are very nice there...

But I still havent been to Australia, dying to go there..
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Post by nowherepixie »

I'd love to so to Asia or SOuth AMerica. those are next on my list!
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Post by heyiknowsyou »

nowherepixie wrote:God yes. Retail work made me angry at the human race!
TOTALLY. I work at a fabric shop--i get so angry at picky old ladies, mothers who let their kids run around screaming, and people upset that they didn't read the sale sign correctly and they want the sale price.

i'm sure i could rant about this all day. :roll:
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Post by jill2009 »

irenedirks wrote: but I like living in Europe too but I don't agree with germany and austria being like each other at all
I agree. Germany and Austria are totally different. Just because German is the most-spoken language in both country that doesn't make them that similar. I love Austria!
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