"Every time you score a goal, a starving child in Africa dies."

I loooove Sarah!
She's so... creepy. In many ways. But I want to be friends with this girl, and she really must transfer into my high school, lol.
Apparently, we were supposed to think their Dad leaving was major significant, but I'll just keep that under my hat because what good is that information right now? Well, it could be, but it's not going to lead us to any major discoveries.
I'm happy for a new video, but I still can't wait to hear on what's happening with Bree. Anyway, it is sort of Gemma-ish, but Gemma was just talking about herself and at least they tried to "cheer up" the boys (then again, what are THEY doing. grr. still mad at Jonas for his last video, lol. Guess I'm the only one.)
Anyway, good video. Can't wait to see what's happening with this ceremony though.
I believe Sarah should suddenly and miraculously win herself a full scholarship to the University of London, however, and change her name to Kate. Because she's awesome.
O_O The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. O_O