in this last video, julia showed some attitude
although it's probably not in her best interest, i'm thrilled
she might be a badass character yet!
anyone agree
Not to mention, this home video type of filming makes all dramatic reactions look a bit over the top. Plus, we're just nit picking the kid because her first few videos were weak. I think she was fine.
TV shows or movies would have lots of shots from multiple cameras, directing our gaze, making us anxious, etc. She had one head-on shot aiming at her. She also only had previous scenes and subtext motiving her and nothing immediate to react to as an actress. Daniel was offering her water, she didn't appear to be very restrained, and she was in a pretty well-lit, atypical-looking kidnap set. So she was just sitting there, in the corner of a well-lit hotel room with some rope around her wrists and a head-on (but not even invasive) camera aimed at her. Anything she could've done would've looked a little weird to us.
In the Jonas-tied-up scene, the camera angles were pretty swooping and chaotic, he was visibly restrained on a chair, Bree was actually yelling at him, and they were in a kind of dirty garage. The character had a personal realtionship with his kidnappers, so he had some more complicated motivation to draw from when reacting to Danial and Bree. I think Jackson was really outstanding in those scenes, by the way, because of the angry way he stared down the was a side of him we hadn't seen which made us wonder if Bree was very right or very wrong about him.
Anyway, they're not only giving this kid really tough scenes; they're also staging them in a way that would make any performance a bit awkward. I thought she pulled off the kidnapping as well as she could've, given the composition of the scene.
Cleo wrote:
Anyway, they're not only giving this kid really tough scenes; they're also staging them in a way that would make any performance a bit awkward. I thought she pulled off the kidnapping as well as she could've, given the composition of the scene.
That's the point I was trying to make! But didn't very well hehe