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Where are you??

Post by Haether »

Do you know what's going on? Bree, Jonas, and Daniel KIDNAPPED Julia! They're holding her in their hotel room, and it's not going well.

You and Sarah need to get down there and help diffuse this situation. You know Julia, maybe you can help calm her down and get her to listen.

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Post by Beckers »

screw that.
Taylor. Don't involve yourself with Bree and Daniel unless you wanna go to jail too. If you know where they are u should call the police.
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Post by soccerstar »

hey everyone,

sorry i haven't posted all weekend, been really depressed. i saw the video daniel posted on friday and i feel so guilty. bree is with the order and i think it's all my fault. if i hadn't opened my big mouth about knowing julia, none of this would have happened. i have been feeling sick to my stomach, i even told my mom i was too sick to play in my soccer game on saturday. not sure what to do.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

I don't honestly think that you could have done anything to prevent Bree being taken by the Order. It is IN NO WAY your fault, so don't beat yourself up about it. Bree decided for herself to confront the Order, and there's no measure that you, or anyone else, could have taken to stop her.
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Post by soccerstar »

Yeah, but if I didn't even make my video and contact Bree and Daniel, then the Order wouldn't have found them through Julia. Sometimes I try to be helpful but things backfire in my face. Ugh, I just feel horrible.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

soccerstar wrote:Yeah, but if I didn't even make my video and contact Bree and Daniel, then the Order wouldn't have found them through Julia. Sometimes I try to be helpful but things backfire in my face. Ugh, I just feel horrible.
You did what you had to. If you hadn't contacted them, then there would have been no way for them to help Julia...and even though things didn't work out as planned, at least you tried. If you hadn't told Bree about Jules, then you would still be feeling guilty because she would have ended up in the same situation anyway. Sorry if that didn't make any sense...what I'm trying to say is: You did the right thing, and the situation didn't end as anyone had hoped it would, but things would have been worse had you not contaced Bree, Daniel, and Jonas.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

Oh, and I'm sure Bree will be okay. She's strong. She can take care of herself. And Daniel and Jonas won't stop until they find her.
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Post by soccerstar »

I sure hope you are right. If there is anything I can do to help make the situation better, I will.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

soccerstar wrote:I sure hope you are right. If there is anything I can do to help make the situation better, I will.
I'm always right! :lol: Okay, not really. But the fact is...Bree, Daniel, and Jonas have been evading the Order since long before you contacted them. They've escaped the Order time and time again, and both you and I have to have faith that they'll be able to pull through this time as well.

I can't give you any suggestions as to how to help them, but I do suggest that you should contact Daniel and Jonas, and assist them any way you can. They're probably trying to find Bree right now, and I'm sure your help would be invaluable.

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Post by sack36 »

soccerstar wrote:I sure hope you are right. If there is anything I can do to help make the situation better, I will.
You know, there just might be something you could do to help. Neither of the boys are going to be thinking clearly just now. It might do some good if you sorta kept your foot on them for a while. I don't mean anything as crazy as they've done in the past like kidnapping or tying people up. Just convince them there are preparations they need to make before running off half cocked. Trust me, they'll try.
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Post by Lurker »

Kassia's right, Taylor. It's not your fault.

By the way, how's Sarah feeling?
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Post by soccerstar »

thanks everyone, you are making me feel a LITTLE better.

Sarah is Sarah, I am sure she cares, but she doesn't show it . . . or at least she tries not to show it.

As for keeping my foot on Daniel and Jonas, I think that's a good idea. I will try to contact them, maybe make another video. But, I'm not sure of anything right now, I still just wish I kept my big mouth shut.

Post by Lurker »

I think you definitely did the right thing in contacting them. Someone seemed to be in trouble and you acted with compassion as your guide. Nothing can be held against you for that.

Also, yes, try getting in contact with Jonas and Daniel, for sure. They're not the best at coming up with plans, so they could probably use your brain and Sarah's.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

soccerstar wrote:thanks everyone, you are making me feel a LITTLE better.

Sarah is Sarah, I am sure she cares, but she doesn't show it . . . or at least she tries not to show it.

As for keeping my foot on Daniel and Jonas, I think that's a good idea. I will try to contact them, maybe make another video. But, I'm not sure of anything right now, I still just wish I kept my big mouth shut.
Stop beating yourself up about this. I can't seem to reiterate the point enough: you did the right thing, and the only thing you could have done in this situation. Things would be about ten times worse had you not contacted Bree. For all we know, Julia could've been dead by now. I don't really think that's what you want.

And yes, keep an eye on Jonas and Daniel. With Bree gone, they're likely to do something drastic, and we don't need THEM in the hands of the Order right now. So make sure they don't step out of line.

And...cheer up. You did what you had to.
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Taylor, you did the right thing in telling them you knew Jules.

BTW, do you know how old Julia is?

Kinda curious.

But everyone in here is right, you did the right thing. Who knows why Bree went with the Order, but that was Bree's choice. It has nothing to do with you.
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