Theory About "I Completed The Ceremony!" Video

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Theory About "I Completed The Ceremony!" Video

Post by Callawang »

Well, this is my silly old optimistically dark theory about the theory and whatnot.

I do really, seriously from the bottom of my heart hope that it was a kind of virginity thing, where an elder or someone is impregnating the virgin with the next elder, or something like that. Especially after the purity pact thing. Makes Lucy holding her hand through the whole thing pretty creepy, huh? and it would explain why her parents wouldn't be allowed to come. The language she had to learn could be because of some kind of sexual fetish thing. (for example, Frank in Blue Velvet has particular phrases he likes to hear Dorothy say, like an Elder could have some particular things he'd like to hear Bree say)

But, knowing that the lg15 creators are prolly not gonna let it get that dark, it's prolly not gonna happen. But I do believe something bad did happen at the ceremony. Whether it was blood letting, or whether they killed her and recorded the vid before the ceremoney, or whatever. I refuse to believe the ceremony was that pleasant, and here is why:

Throughout the whole video she's acting super weird. This could potentially be because she is weak (bloodletting?). But I think it's because she's being threatened by her religion. Bree told her parents that she had a video blog, and the sucess and popularity of the blog exists in the plot of the video, so the people from her religoin could have obviously found it and told her before the ceremony that she couldn't post whatever horrible stuff went on during the ceremony. Then, if it was really horrible, they could have given her a script or something like that, just to make 100 percent sure that none of her fans (us) got suspicious.

I know that most of what I said here has been implied elsewhere, but I was just so creeped out by this video, especially her nervousness (in the line about lucy holding her hand). I almost feel like there are people from her religion behind the camera, making sure she doesn't slip and say something that they wouldn't want the public to know. It might explain why the picture in the background is gone, maybe it's a religious thing that the Elders didn't want the public to see. She probably didn't even want to make a video, but the Elders thought we'd get suspicious.

edit: also, she seems like she's on some kind of drug. Perhaps just alchohal? She's slurring her words a lot.
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Post by toomuchtime »

I noticed the slurring thing as well. She did the same thing in the In the Park video.

I definitely don't think that the ceremony was an innocent religious experience.
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Re: Theory About "I Completed The Ceremony!" Video

Post by aguy »

Fascinating theory that the video could have been made before the ceremony. Would add another twist to the "What is real?" motif (which goes back to the original "Is LonelyGirl15 real" question). That would be something if we get a video from Daniel stating that Bree is missing, and her parents say she never came home, yet this video was posted. Would be another commentary on whether or not you can trust what you see online.
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Post by eris »

This theory would explain why she hasn't said anything in response to any daniel videos past the first time he followed her, that they were all recorded before he made any more.

Post by covedweller »

I had the same theory myself.

Any evidence to back it up?

I was checking of thinking the backgrounds in recent vids for a tell that the new one was shot before the Ceremony.

I was thinking books on bookshelf, maybe even the height of the candles in the videos.

Anything to indicate time lapse or lack thereof.

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Post by Charlotte Eve »

eris wrote:This theory would explain why she hasn't said anything in response to any daniel videos past the first time he followed her, that they were all recorded before he made any more.
When I saw that on YouTube, I was immediately suspcious, because she was so annoyed when he followed her previously, which was an invasion of privacy. But something as sacred as her ceremony, where her parents aren't even allowed to attend, being broadcast over the net and not saying a word about it? Somethings up..
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