Was bored the other day so i looked up
[email protected] (it exists look it up yourself) on msn messenger. Surprisingly the next day not only was i added on, she actually came online, using the nick ".- -. ... .-- . .-. ... --- -- . --. .- .- -- .- .-. . .-" !!!!!!
Naturally i attempted to engage in conversation with her, instead she only replied with two swift " "s (a single space), and then went dead.
My initial reaction was that a space must symbolize a void. Recall her video Rev 3"It is the emptiness that follows you down" A shiver went down my spine; with just one single character, Cassie had expressed the emptiness that has plagued her ever since she became a wondering spirit, (presumably) a victim of the merciless cult Bree has found herself wondering into.
Upon further thought it didn't make sense: Casse had typed two single spaces. Does that mean two voids? Initially Frank came to mind. The second space could be referring to him, and the void that has become of his life after he begun hearing the whispers in his head. But Frank is dead, he is gone now. Recall a line often used by Cassie, but later by Frank as well: "I'll be right there above you"
Above who?
The second void is in Bree.
The ceremony has relieved her of her soul.
I turned to Cassie's nick to confirm my theory.
.- -. ... .-- . .-. ... --- -- . --. .- .- -- .- .-. . .-
Which translates into:
At first I couldn't solve it, no matter how hard i tried. But then it struck me with one deafening blow: The " "!! She has taken her encryption into the next level; we had to combine the emptiness into the code! I added the two spaces into the puzzle and the answer came instantly (highlight to read):