WHY the creators added the kidnapping.

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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WHY the creators added the kidnapping.

Post by Breeze »

I was just thinking about it, and I was like "Why the JWSFJPOISDFJPOSF would TAAG do that!?" and I think I figured out the motivation for the new dramatic twist.

1) They need a reason for BDJ to still have conflict w/ the order, and so that there is still a reason to be on the run.

2) Action! =D Mmmmm DRAMA

3) a new LEVEL of characters. we'll see a lot of development in their personalities after this... :)

4) We've already figured out that she wouldn't willingly go w/ them.. so... what other choice was there to them? To us, we can say we'd do the moral thing and be good and try to talk to her, but to BDJ.. it's different. It's on their shoulders to save this girl, if she really is in danger. I mean, if you were bree you wouldn't want to see that sh*t happen to another girl. What if your dad was killed in front of you? What if your whole world was ripped apart? She can't change what happened to her, but maybe she can help prevent it from happening to another girl.

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Post by Laurilea »

Maybe they will use her as ransom to get Jonas' parents back?
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Post by fsk282 »

The only thing about the kidnapping that makes it kind of anticlimactic for me is that we don't even know what the order DOES with the girls for this ceremony. I've enjoyed the show lately, it's been much better, but I wish they would research a little bit and let us know what there is exactly to be so scared of. I mean, why does it matter if Jules does the ceremony? It could just be a song and dance routine for all we know.
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Post by RoseCrowley »

Laurilea wrote:Maybe they will use her as ransom to get Jonas' parents back?
oooh that's a new one!
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Post by Cleo »

Yeah, Bree should at least use the kidnapping to get something out of the Order. A ransom would be nice.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

RoseCrowley wrote:
Laurilea wrote:Maybe they will use her as ransom to get Jonas' parents back?
oooh that's a new one!
I don't think so, though. To pull that kind of maneuver off, they'd need to have serious assistance, along the lines of Tachyon and Brother. Plus, more importantly, I don't think they'd risk the life of a young girl, especially a total stranger, to try to save the lives of two people they're not even sure are really still alive.
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Post by Beckers »

Bree did not seem to be in a desperate situation enough to kidnap someone! It's absurd! She barley tried talking to Jules. Mot to mention no one knows what the ceremony is...how do we know it's even a bad thing? we don't! Bree just assumes so because she is kept in the dark! Not all secrets are bad! And if Jules wants to do the ceremony...who cares, it's her own choice. Remember free will? Nothing good could possibly come out of this kidnapping except maybe Jailtime or more reason for Jules not to talk to Bree.
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Post by cittiecait »

i was thinking perhaps its a way of removing all other "new girls" and to confirm that jules, sarah and taylor are the only new characters for now. just a thought.
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Post by milowent »

cittiecait wrote:i was thinking perhaps its a way of removing all other "new girls" and to confirm that jules, sarah and taylor are the only new characters for now. just a thought.
well, if julia really was just a real life vlogger, this has been taking the promise of fan interaction WAY too far.
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Post by platypusrex256 »

i say they kill her! j/k but it is making me laugh. a lot.
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Post by sack36 »

RoseCrowley wrote:
Laurilea wrote:Maybe they will use her as ransom to get Jonas' parents back?
oooh that's a new one!
Yeah, Bree should at least use the kidnapping to get something out of the Order. A ransom would be nice.
i say they kill her! j/k but it is making me laugh. a lot.
I was going to suggest they ransom her for a slurpee, but I like the platypus' suggestion better. :)
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