0050 The Ceremony (10/12/06)

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Post by lonelygirl »

omg, this video is so exciting. I saw the after the ceremony video before this one and i thought it was such a disappointment because she didn't reveal much but omg, this one's cool. a bit dark to see what was really going on but definitely looks like there's some sort of incantation towards the end.
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Post by lonelygirl »

tinkerbellmoon wrote:THE BIG QUESTION: Why didn't he try to save her? I thought that was a cowardly thing to do to film it and just go home to post this to us.
um, save her from what? she's doing whatever she's doing voluntarily. and he thought he had been caught and had to run so he couldn't even see what the heck was going on. give him a break. looks s** f***in scary to me the situation he was in if it was real. i mean in the dark in a wooded area that you don't even know with people performing some who knows what ceremony.
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Post by Lala »

I totally agree. I thought this was the best video he ever made. Kinda like Blair Witch, so what. That was a great successful movie. And obviously it stopped because we are supposed to watch the other part later! Hell, I like this a LOT better than Bree talking to her stuffed animals. :roll:

How is he supposed to save her? She WANTS to do this and told him to stop follow her. Not very clever to ruin her beloved ceremony she has been preparing for, for so long. If she had been harmed, yes, then he should have done something. But the location is not very helpful. If he had screamed for help, only those people joining the ceremony would have heard him.
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Post by lonelygirl »

DontHaveAClue wrote:Come on people!
Annabelle wrote: Bree not getting sacrificed = empty!
That's a problem! Your problem.
Look again at the vids, they never build up anything leading to an apocalytic ceremony. The craziest theories about sacrifice, rape, murder, ....just name it..., emerged on this forum by over-excited fans getting way too much into the whole satanist thing. The Creators always claimed they didn't want the plot to be too dark. It's supposed to be PG...remember? So what? Did you really expect to witness something like Bree being raped and beheaded by an evil priest? :roll:
Thank you. People should stop complaining about how it's not what they wanted. Things aren't always going to go your way. Get over it. And same with whoever keeps complaining about Daniel's poor editing skills and video. How is he supposed to make the video good when he's running about in the dark, barely able to see and scared out of his wits of being discovered? Give me a break.
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Post by lonelygirl »

JerseyJohnny wrote:
Annabelle wrote:
JerseyJohnny wrote:YES! Finally the payoff!!! What we've all been waiting for and the LG15 creators did NOT disappoint!

I think this was the height of the entire series so far, and was far from "empty" as some less than bright posters have said on this board. If you didn't get all the info out of this video, then I doubt you have been following the whole storyline anyway.
Wow, considering that I'm the only (or if not the only, at least the first) person to have posted that this was empty (the exact word, that you decided to put in quotes), I'm going to take offense that you would decide to call me less than bright.

Dear God, at what point in participating in an online discussion about a fake series of videos did you become qualified to judge my intelligence? When exactly did realize you were superior enough to me to fling insults in the midst of an open forum?

Please don't back your way out of this with, "Well, I didn't just mean you," or "I was just kidding," because (qutie clearly) you didn't, and you weren't.

This board is a place for us all just to discuss our theories, from the most timid to the most insane.. and where we are free to express our interpretations of the videos. Why on earth would you suddenly want to draw out certain users as "less than bright"?
Oh, well I didn't just mean you; I was really just kidding.
hahaha, i got to say i'm actually starting to like you JerseyJohnny. pissing all those whiners off, :lol:
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Post by Flautapantera »

Lala wrote:Hell, I like this a LOT better than Bree talking to her stuffed animals.
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by nakita »

All right, so first off im waaaay too excited for this vid, cause i saw that it was first up when i was at school (i was supposed to be doing french :) ), but i couldn't watch it, and then i get home and there's TWO new videos (eeeeeeeek :D ).

And i just have one thing to say... bald CAN be sexy when done properly. Case in point: Vin Diesel... he is hawt... you know you think so too
*fans self*

Seriously though, Daniel deserves props for getting this footage for us. Maybe it's not something for an average teen to do, but he's not in an average situation.

(now that it's late, and i have time to think, i like long hair too... hmmm ... i think i've been spending too much time on the computer :wink: )
* a misinterpreted metaphor *

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Post by JerseyJohnny »

sororyzbl wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
sororyzbl wrote: That explains so much..
JJ got ahold of some of the bad brown acid that was going around at woodstock...
I was thinking mostly that his proximity to Newark has mutated his final brain cell.
You were thinking? I guess there's a first time for everything! Did it hurt much?
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Post by sororyzbl »

JerseyJohnny wrote:I was thinking mostly that his proximity to Newark has mutated his final brain cell,

You were thinking? I guess there's a first time for everything! Did it hurt much?
I'll try to spare you the experience. wouldn't want that last brain cell to explode.
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Post by Wilkie »

hearyoume wrote:
This object looked like a rifle to me. With the barrel pointing toward the left-hand side of the screen and a hand placed on the trigger forming that lighter patch near the center.

I'll see if I can do anything with another lightened screenshot.
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Post by CrazyNic »

Wilkie wrote:
hearyoume wrote:
This object looked like a rifle to me. With the barrel pointing toward the left-hand side of the screen and a hand placed on the trigger forming that lighter patch near the center.

I'll see if I can do anything with another lightened screenshot.
Looks more like a stream of smoke...but that dude looks hella scary! :shock:
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Date on computer

Post by angelsdown »

Yes, this is my first post. Yes, I am a creator of many things but can't take credit for this mystery so please don't waste energy trying to figure out if I'm seeding the forums :) I've been lurking here for weeks and haven't felt the need to contribute. However.....

Is it possible that we are assuming the ceremony that Daniel saw was on the night of 10/12/06? Could it have been the early hours of the morning?

On 10/11/06, Bree's 'The Ceremony is Tomorrow' she doesn't give an indication of what time on the 12th it will take place, but is nervous and says she is ready. In Daniel's 'The Ceremony', he says the helper arrived at Bree's house at 6:00 and they left an hour later. What if he meant 6:00 p.m. on 10/11/06. They leave at 7:00 p.m. on 10/11/06, drive into mountains, hike....ceremony happens in the early hours on 10/12/06 while still dark. Then, after the sun rises on 10/12/06, Daniel follows the helper back to her apartment. Bree goes home and makes a video in which she seems drugged.....slurred words, scripted message.

Perhaps this is nothing....but it could explain the date on the computer saying that it's still the 12th when he's at the apartment. I am thinking that it could mean the ceremony isn't over. The early morning event could have been some preparatory ritual for the main part of the ceremony to take place later that night, or on another date. The group knew Daniel had followed them, had Bree try to throw him off track by posting that it was over (when she obviously had been given another shot indicating that it wasn't yet finished) so perhaps he would give up and not try to observe the final, most important portion of the ritual.

Just a thought.....but another thing that bugs me is that in his 'Alliester Crowley' video he says he's very tired because he's been up for 14 hours straight. I don't know about you, but I am awake for 14 hours straight on a regular basis without being overly tired. But my brain can't figure out exactly how that fits with anything.

This is such a blast!!! I love mystery :P
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Re: Date on computer

Post by iamcool »

angelsdown wrote:Yes, this is my first post. Yes, I am a creator of many things but can't take credit for this mystery so please don't waste energy trying to figure out if I'm seeding the forums :) I've been lurking here for weeks and haven't felt the need to contribute. However.....

Is it possible that we are assuming the ceremony that Daniel saw was on the night of 10/12/06? Could it have been the early hours of the morning?

On 10/11/06, Bree's 'The Ceremony is Tomorrow' she doesn't give an indication of what time on the 12th it will take place, but is nervous and says she is ready. In Daniel's 'The Ceremony', he says the helper arrived at Bree's house at 6:00 and they left an hour later. What if he meant 6:00 p.m. on 10/11/06. They leave at 7:00 p.m. on 10/11/06, drive into mountains, hike....ceremony happens in the early hours on 10/12/06 while still dark. Then, after the sun rises on 10/12/06, Daniel follows the helper back to her apartment. Bree goes home and makes a video in which she seems drugged.....slurred words, scripted message.

Perhaps this is nothing....but it could explain the date on the computer saying that it's still the 12th when he's at the apartment. I am thinking that it could mean the ceremony isn't over. The early morning event could have been some preparatory ritual for the main part of the ceremony to take place later that night, or on another date. The group knew Daniel had followed them, had Bree try to throw him off track by posting that it was over (when she obviously had been given another shot indicating that it wasn't yet finished) so perhaps he would give up and not try to observe the final, most important portion of the ritual.

Just a thought.....but another thing that bugs me is that in his 'Alliester Crowley' video he says he's very tired because he's been up for 14 hours straight. I don't know about you, but I am awake for 14 hours straight on a regular basis without being overly tired. But my brain can't figure out exactly how that fits with anything.

This is such a blast!!! I love mystery :P

very very very very very good point :shock:

but how would he have seen the video "i completed the ceremony"?? coz that was posted on the 13th i think
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Post by angelsdown »

Hmmm, you have a better point :) He did say he had seen Bree's video and didn't believe it. So it couldn't have happened that way. I just tend to look toward what things I am making assumptions about when faced with a puzzle.

Geez, thanks.....now my mind can go back to reeling, hehe.
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Post by iamcool »

angelsdown wrote:Hmmm, you have a better point :) He did say he had seen Bree's video and didn't believe it. So it couldn't have happened that way. I just tend to look toward what things I am making assumptions about when faced with a puzzle.

Geez, thanks.....now my mind can go back to reeling, hehe.
lol yer i thought u were right at 1st aswell :)
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