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Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by RoseCrowley »

cosmicdancer wrote:They have completely lost it and I bet she's not even the girl.
i heart your avatar :)
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Post by trainer101 »

The big question I'm asking is WHY? Why did they feel it was necessary to kidnap Jules?

We know very little. She lives in the right area and Nikki B thinks she might be the new girl. That's it. That's all we know.

- Is there an imminent danger? Nobody seems to know, it's never been expressed before.

- Is Nikki's input more important to the storyline now? :smt102

- Why didn't they let Taylor talk to her first? At least they have some history.

- Why is Jules so important? We still don't know what made Bree so important. Why is Bree no longer important?

I'm used to the idea that a large portion of the story takes place in our heads - that's part of the fun, filling in the blanks. In this case we've been given almost no information. We have no idea what their motivations are. No significant event precipitated this action.
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Post by Lurker »

trainer101 wrote:The big question I'm asking is WHY? Why did they feel it was necessary to kidnap Jules?

We know very little. She lives in the right area and Nikki B thinks she might be the new girl. That's it. That's all we know.

- Is there an imminent danger? Nobody seems to know, it's never been expressed before.
I still think the idea about Jules' computer restrictions being over in a week from May 3 was what was supposed to be taken as the sense of urgency. I'm thinking that more people have considered this than are mentioning it, but that they feel like there should have been certainty before resorting to this. Is that a fair assessment, do you think?

I'm willing to give them a little slack given all that they've been through, and given the possibility that they felt time was running out.
trainer101 wrote:- Is Nikki's input more important to the storyline now? :smt102
There's way more to go on than what Nikki's said. All Nikki had to offer was the languages thing and a hunch. Added to that we've got what might be a special diet (I know this is "maybe" talk), the Hymn of One newsletter, a sense of unique purpose, and living in Zavalla, Texas. I think there was enough to go on to say that she is likely to be the girl.
trainer101 wrote:- Why didn't they let Taylor talk to her first? At least they have some history.

- Why is Jules so important? We still don't know what made Bree so important. Why is Bree no longer important?
Got nothing for you on these. Though if Jules was ignoring Bree online, she may have ran from Taylor too.
trainer101 wrote:I'm used to the idea that a large portion of the story takes place in our heads - that's part of the fun, filling in the blanks. In this case we've been given almost no information. We have no idea what their motivations are. No significant event precipitated this action.
I think this was a case where everyone really needed to be following everything that was going on. They probably needed to be up-to-date on Jules' myspace, HymnofOne.org and they needed to remember "Following The Helper" from way back in the day.

While no single event preceded this, and the information wasn't all presented by way of video, recent videos have mentioned both HymnofOne.org and Jules' myspace blog. So the audience was given info that - if followed up on - would keep them from being completely blindsided by this.
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Post by trainer101 »

I'm not sure if you should be a prosecutor or defense attorney. Either way, you are making a case based on flimsy evidence.

If this was pre-scripted, then significant portions have been omitted. 'Back in the day' events would have been precipitated by Op taking an interest in Jules and Tach directing the TAAG to liberate her. No one would have questioned it because the lines were clearly drawn. Without some direct precipitating action by the "bad guys", we're left wondering "WHY?".
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Post by Lurker »

I'm still wondering if the New Girl concept was made before or after they lost OpAPHID. I imagine that either way that's probably why we don't have as good an answer to your why.

And I know it's all flimsy evidence, but I think that's the point. It's the evidence that BD&J had to make this decision on. I mean ... would they or we be so divided on this if we all knew absolutely beyond any doubt that Bree was saving the girl's life in doing this? Look what happens when one removes that certainty just a bit, placing the dots, but not necessarily connecting them all within the story itself, asking each person to do it instead.

You get these divided reactions to the quandry of what we think is the right thing, and you get us pondering what we would do in the same position. I think this was the better choice.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Lurker wrote:There's way more to go on than what Nikki's said. All Nikki had to offer was the languages thing and a hunch. Added to that we've got what might be a special diet (I know this is "maybe" talk), the Hymn of One newsletter, a sense of unique purpose, and living in Zavalla, Texas. I think there was enough to go on to say that she is likely to be the girl. . . .
I think this was a case where everyone really needed to be following everything that was going on. They probably needed to be up-to-date on Jules' myspace, HymnofOne.org and they needed to remember "Following The Helper" from way back in the day.
Which is a very bad way to run a video series.

There should at least have been some exposition in the vids themselves, for those people who follow LG15 only on YouTube or Revver, or who don't do much reading in the forums or elsewhere.

I, for one, have to keep asking forumites to post info from the characters' MySpace pages, because I'm not on MySpace myself and therefore can't see a lot of the info.

Post by Lurker »

Languorous Lass wrote:Which is a very bad way to run a video series.

There should at least have been some exposition in the vids themselves, for those people who follow LG15 only on YouTube or Revver, or who don't do much reading in the forums or elsewhere.
I kind of agree with you that it should have been brought up again in the vids (maybe it will be soon), but the Creators have said that they'd like LG15 to utilize much of what the internet has to offer, with the vlogs as the central element.

I think what the Creators hoped was that by mentioning Jules' blog and HymnofOne.org in previous vids it would get a lot of people to check them out. I know not all of them did, but there was a little bit of a hint to us to keep an eye open.
Languorous Lass wrote:I, for one, have to keep asking forumites to post info from the characters' MySpace pages, because I'm not on MySpace myself and therefore can't see a lot of the info.
I think you can see everything but their extra pictures (it tells you to log in when you try that). I don't have a myspace either (don't plan to get one), but I've been able to see Jules' blog.
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Post by Laurilea »

Bree's in crazy mode again, when she knows what to do apparently better than anyone else, just like when she tied up Jonas and was suspicious of him. Still, I'm interested to see where they will go now with this.
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Post by TheeBerean »

Lurker, you are always very systematic and logical. You do more quoting and explaining than anyone else I have seen. I respect your opinions.

This time I just can't follow, though. I have kept up with Julia's Blogs and Myspace postings. I stayed afloat with the in-character forum postings. I've followed HoO and the like. From an OOG standpoint, I'd say she most likely is "the new girl", but IG it just isn't all there. Even so -- let's say its proven IG that she IS the new girl and "something big" was going to happen at the end of the restriction period. I still cannot support what took place. It's not even a morally ambiguous situation. Bree screwed up when she went running after Jules coming out of school and yelling her name. Then they followed her home (based on the address they found) and immediately grabbed her and tied her up while she was obviouslly frightened and begged for help. Their previous attempts were simply inadaquate to justify their actions. I don't blame BDJ though.... they are mere characters. I see this as a flaw in the story itself and that lies at the feet of the creators. Even with the mistakes aforementioned, a simple lead up could have set the stage properly. This was simply disturbing.

QtheC said it best:
QtheC wrote:I had the same reaction, as I posted in a comment on LG15 Today blog here:

"It's Not Kidnapping"

This video fails because Bree, Daniel, and Jonas' choice was not "set-up" ... we know their background, but where is the immediate threat to Jules or the certainty of her role in the Order's plans?

Without a sequence building to this abduction, this video smacks of sensationalisim. Are viewers supposed to infer a story that has not been presented?

And then the way Jonas and Daniel are talking about what is happening, in a video they plan to post online no less, while they are engaged in it...

The shark has been jumped.
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Post by Lurker »

Well, I always appreciate your input as well, TB. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I wish they could have gone about it a different way, but I think that morally it was the right thing to do. The lesser evil, if you will.

This is assuming that they believed her death was coming any day now, of course. I really hope that turns out to be what they thought. Morally, that justifies this in my opinion.
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Post by robtomorrow »

QtheC wrote:The shark has been jumped.
Au contraire, this is a great new twist to the story, it takes us firmly into the realm of the Theatre of the Absurd. The Theatre of the Absurd reflects a view that holds the universe to be ultimately meaningless, irrational, and absurd. They are following in the footsteps of Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco.

This is the deeper meaning they are bringing to us.


Just wait, in the next video Daniel, Jonas and Bree will all be wearing rhinoceros costumes
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Post by fhrpiper »

Sorry, I am new to lonelygirl, what does TAAG stand for??



Post by Lurker »

fhrpiper wrote:Sorry, I am new to lonelygirl, what does TAAG stand for??

Welcome to the forum.

It stands for "Teen Angst Adventure Gang." It was a title placed upon them by a past character called "Tachyon."
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Post by TheeBerean »

I just saw the new video "Naive Girl"... I don't see this getting any better in the short term.

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Post by Languorous Lass »

fhrpiper wrote:Sorry, I am new to lonelygirl, what does TAAG stand for??

fhrpiper, there are several sections of the website for newbies like you. In the forum, check out "New to LG15? Start Here!" Also take a look at the LGPedia -- you can get there by clicking on the link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

And welcome!
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