
Have advice for Daniel that doesn't involve criminal activity? Share it.

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Post by marlasinger »

Daniel. Listen, I know Bree is somehow talking you into this - but think about this shit for a moment. How do you get someone to trust you?! How do you get them to listen!?

Youre doing what that jerk who kidnapped you guys did. You're TAKING julia and forcing her to believe something that she doesn't believe. TOP TEN WAYS TO EARN TRUST: DON'T KIDNAP.

wtf man. It's done now and so you're in it. But if you want to get close to a 13 year old, start somewhere sweet. Now you'll have to work extra hard to get her to even listen to you.

wtf is bree even thinkking!?
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Post by consideration »

What the hell are you guys doing? Kidnapping a little girl? That's so fucking stupid.

Daniel, I can't believe you would ever agree to do something like this. I'm so disappointed.
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Post by rupaZer0 »

To quote you, 'I don't think you can understand it unless you've lived it...'

This is exactly the sort of thing Alex would say.

You guys are no better than the order now. Anything the order does to you now will appear completely justifiable.
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Post by Lurker »

I'm not going to give you a hard time about this, Daniel, as I understand your reasons (and I'm sure it wasn't easy for you). I also disagree that this makes you like Alex, or that the Order will appear justified in doing you harm. As far as we know, she did what she did for her own benefit. You're just trying to help somebody else.

I got what you were saying. You think you're doing something in Jules' best interest because you've "lived it" - you know what the Order is capable of, and you have fairly good reasons to believe that this whole thing could have cost Jules her life.

That said, you really are going to have some trouble convincing her to trust you now. I think Marla's wrong in saying that you're doing what that kidnapper did to you (I don't think you plan to give her mind-altering substances), but do make sure that you're sensitive to her fear, and make sure she doesn't feel like a prisoner. Good luck.
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Post by Esteed »

This is ridiculous. You're supposed to be the Batman of the group. WTF? This is why you guys need a little robot with you, so that when Bree starts going on about a stupid idea like this, the robot can pipe up, "Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!"
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Post by marlasinger »

Lurker wrote: That said, you really are going to have some trouble convincing her to trust you now. I think Marla's wrong in saying that you're doing what that kidnapper did to you (I don't think you plan to give her mind-altering substances), but do make sure that you're sensitive to her fear, and make sure she doesn't feel like a prisoner. Good luck.
You're right. They're not drugging her. But the concept of kidnapping to force free will is what I'm talking about.

You really will have to work hard now.
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Post by Particular »

Oh Daniel... :? Bad move buddy. I just hope you guys can make something positive out of this. I think you should keep Bree way away from Jules, and maybe let Jonas try to talk to her, at least she'd know that he wasn't happy about the idea of kidnapping her.
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Post by Esteed »

Daniel, you'd better hope the three of you can turn this situation around, because if you can't you're going to have to do something even worse than what you've already done.
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