Tayor + Jonas

They're sisters, but they're quite different.

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Sami wrote:No coupels ffs! >.<
I second this.
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Post by marlasinger »

PolkadotConfederation wrote:I'm pretty sure that Daniel and Taylor might sorta have some chemistry. And it makes me a little sick, I must admit.
kassia i love you eternally, and why would it make you sick?! do you really dislike taylor that much!? i think she's frickin' awesome. hacking and stuff.

definitely my type o' girl!
my love tastes a lot like tofu.

The Bree Solution.

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Post by pimp monkette »


Bree+Jonas, Taylor+Daniel, pimp monkette+Sarah. Pretty much.
I vote the newgirl be itskassie.
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Post by PolkadotConfederation »

marlasinger wrote:
PolkadotConfederation wrote:I'm pretty sure that Daniel and Taylor might sorta have some chemistry. And it makes me a little sick, I must admit.
kassia i love you eternally, and why would it make you sick?! do you really dislike taylor that much!? i think she's frickin' awesome. hacking and stuff.

definitely my type o' girl!
I really dislike Taylor that much, yep. Have ever since her first video. I like to pretend that she doesn't exist. There's just something about her that bugs me...I don't know what it is. *shrugs* I would say more, but I have to be careful about my words. The last time I said what I really think about the girl...I had my post deleted by the mods. :shock:
Hey. I'm Kassia!

I waffle my Chelsey. :D

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Post by Languorous Lass »

mindinflight wrote:Oh, Lordy.

Check out Taylor’s responses over in Taylor Chat:

Looks like our 'lil soccerstar has a crush on Jonas...
What makes you think these responses indicate she has a crush on Jonas? In one thread she said, "They were all super nice. Especially Jonas . . . after the whole fake gun incident we all sat down and got to know each other." In the other thread she said practically the exact same thing about Daniel: "I hung out with him later and he seems super nice."
Lurker wrote:I just think DB and Sarah are both awesome. Both are the only ones that could be worthy of the other.
What? :shock: Seriously. Why on earth do you like Sarah? She seems completely annoying. Talk about Bree being self-absorbed -- this chick can barely see beyond her own tongue.
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Post by kellylen »

if taylor dates jonas i will pop a cap in her butt

and shell go :shock:
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

RIP Maddy

Post by Lurker »

Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:I just think DB and Sarah are both awesome. Both are the only ones that could be worthy of the other.
What? :shock: Seriously. Why on earth do you like Sarah? She seems completely annoying. Talk about Bree being self-absorbed -- this chick can barely see beyond her own tongue.
I think she's great. I have to be honest.

I haven't really gotten the impression that she's genuinely self-absorbed. I think she probably wants attention because she's felt ignored by her family. Bree, on the other hand, just had a plain princess complex that she seemed to think she was entitled to.

I've not seen or read about Sarah doing anything I'd consider cruel or inconsiderate either.

So far, I just really, really love her. She's quickly becoming tied with Daniel as my favorite, and if we get one more video with as much awesome as we've seen in the first two with her, I think that might become set in stone.
Last edited by Lurker on Sun May 06, 2007 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Lurker wrote:I've not seen or read about Sarah doing anything I'd consider cruel or inconsider either.
WHAT? Sticking a lipstick in the back of a guy she's just met, and making him think seriously that she's holding him at gunpoint, isn't "cruel or inconsider[ate]"?

You scare me, Lurker. :shock: No joke.
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Post by Particular »

Hmm, okay, now I definately don't want Daniel and Sarah together.
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Post by Lurker »

Languorous Lass wrote:
Lurker wrote:I've not seen or read about Sarah doing anything I'd consider cruel or inconsider either.
WHAT? Sticking a lipstick in the back of a guy she's just met, and making him think seriously that she's holding him at gunpoint, isn't "cruel or inconsider[ate]"?

You scare me, Lurker. :shock: No joke.
I think that may have been her way of flirting. Her blog implied that Danny B was a wimp for not appreciating a girl's attention.

See, she's so fun!

You don't think so?
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