Annabelle wrote:Bree not getting sacrificed = empty! They had us expecting the freaking apocalypse, and we got shaky trees and "Oh, shit".. ugh.
I personally didn't want her to be sacrificed, ceremonial sex would have been just fine for me. Annnnnywhoo...
I'm still trying to make something out of the nothing that I can find in this video, soooooo near the very end when Daniel heard the noise in the bushes the 2nd time and the camera was angled to see some of his face and then I'm guessing he started running again, there was a dark shot of something moving close to him....coulda been his arm...
Go back and read my other post about them dropping clues.. The producers of this have never given any clue that was *remotely* subtle.. I don't think they'd change their entire writing style this far in the game.
I think the writers think we are a lot stupider than we are.. Like we can't handle understanding a plot on our own, they need to cut it up into a thousand obvious 'clues' for us.
It was obvious to me...maybe because it was my 4th time watching and my face was really close to the screen. I don't know if I'm disappointed that I stayed up this late to watch trees or just anxious for another more clear and interesting video.
And, Annabelle...I agree with you, regarding them dropping clues. The problem is: they drop clues like an anvil on Wylie Coyote! They're sooooo not subtle. So, it almost takes on an air of mockumentary. I mean... yeah, the name of the park matching up with the name of a pretty big murder/rape case in the LA area: got it. Don't know if they intended that to be drawn from the clues...but, I caught it. The area it's in also has a trail that goes to a promentory rock that has been used for decades, by local quacks, to perform various and sundry rituals. Hell... the creaking crickets were probably dubbed in to sound spooky.
JerseyJohnny wrote:YES! Finally the payoff!!! What we've all been waiting for and the LG15 creators did NOT disappoint!
I think this was the height of the entire series so far, and was far from "empty" as some less than bright posters have said on this board. If you didn't get all the info out of this video, then I doubt you have been following the whole storyline anyway.
This video not only confirmed some of the suspicions we have had, but also revealed some interesting new information and is leaving us with a reason to check in later. What was on the robe of the bald man? Why did Bree light a lantern or torch from someone else's? Why did Bree have on a BLACK robe with a WHITE cowl???
This is definitely just now getting interesting, and I think there are some more twists and turns in store!
~ JJ
actually, to be truthful, I think you are totally right. i still the the Blair Witch-ness of it was funny. But anyhow, I am a fan....and I am impatient. LOL.
Then why are you being mean and telling people to keep their pants on?
"Never interrupt a voodoo doctor."
"When forging a letter to nab a perp, be sure to use grammar and spelling appropriate to the education level of the person you're impersonating."
Annabelle wrote:
Bree not getting sacrificed = empty!
That's a problem! Your problem.
Look again at the vids, they never build up anything leading to an apocalytic ceremony. The craziest theories about sacrifice, rape, murder, ....just name it..., emerged on this forum by over-excited fans getting way too much into the whole satanist thing. The Creators always claimed they didn't want the plot to be too dark. It's supposed to be PG...remember? So what? Did you really expect to witness something like Bree being raped and beheaded by an evil priest?
If Daniel would have put up a vid describing the ceremony, I'd have been disappointed.
I thought the filming was quite realistic considering the storyline.
This was pretty much what I expected. Dark, vauge, filmed from a distance, and slightly exciting. My heart jumped when Daniel started getting chased,, I don't see how you guys thought it was lame.
I was thouroughly creeped out, but I guess some of us expected more.
It would've been cool to see Bree in detail, but that would've been unrealistic considering the surroundings
Annabelle wrote:Why don't the creators care anymore?
I don't think they've cared much since their hoax was revealed. I believe they wanted to get all the way to this point w/o being proved as a show, and freak everyone out with Bree disappearing or something to that effect. Since they have been uncovered, they've shown very little effort in maintaining the "Breeality" of the comments and "hanging out" with the viewers after the episodes are uploaded, vids Bree wouldn't have uploaded appearing on her account rather than DB's and so on. Since their fun was ruined (and they didn't get to trick us into thinking a real girl was harmed or dissapeared or whatever), they have been pretty lazy. It's so disappointing for the fans.
JerseyJohnny wrote:... as some less than bright posters have said on this board. If you didn't get all the info out of this video, then I doubt you have been following the whole storyline anyway.
~ JJ
Then, please, school us,...oh learned one. Overwhelm us with your wit and observation skillz (said in my best Daniel voice). If this video delivered, then please tell us what it is you ordered?
tinkerbellmoon wrote:I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the bald dude you see greeting her with the sunglasses on is the same guy in the Response videos to the right of the main one. He's mixed in with a bunch from Lordgreystoke, but the title is "See you at the Ceremony." Go watch it and tell me what you think.
i think thats seemed a bit silly. i dont think it was the same guy, but im not sure. if it is the same guy, then the acting was hilarious. *snort*
By the way, for the record, I AM NOT PYRO. I AM A FAN OF PYRO FROM THE BAND, DOOMSDAY MACHINE. Thank you! Lol. I am also a girl, if you couldn't tell. The Art Of Pyro fan site
house wrote:And, Annabelle...I agree with you, regarding them dropping clues. The problem is: they drop clues like an anvil on Wylie Coyote! They're sooooo not subtle. So, it almost takes on an air of mockumentary. I mean... yeah, the name of the park matching up with the name of a pretty big murder/rape case in the LA area: got it. Don't know if they intended that to be drawn from the clues...but, I caught it. The area it's in also has a trail that goes to a promentory rock that has been used for decades, by local quacks, to perform various and sundry rituals. Hell... the creaking crickets were probably dubbed in to sound spooky.
"Never interrupt a voodoo doctor."
"When forging a letter to nab a perp, be sure to use grammar and spelling appropriate to the education level of the person you're impersonating."
helix52 wrote:
Then why are you being mean and telling people to keep their pants on?
oh lol. i was kidding. hahaha i meant to be funny. my mom tells me to keep my pants on when im excited about something. 20 and i just sounded 4. HEE HEE
By the way, for the record, I AM NOT PYRO. I AM A FAN OF PYRO FROM THE BAND, DOOMSDAY MACHINE. Thank you! Lol. I am also a girl, if you couldn't tell. The Art Of Pyro fan site
tinkerbellmoon wrote:I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the bald dude you see greeting her with the sunglasses on is the same guy in the Response videos to the right of the main one. He's mixed in with a bunch from Lordgreystoke, but the title is "See you at the Ceremony." Go watch it and tell me what you think.
It doesn't look like him. I don't know what that response video is about, but that guy has a beard thing (whatever it's called) and the guy in the actual video doesn't... as far as I can make out.
tinkerbellmoon wrote:I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the bald dude you see greeting her with the sunglasses on is the same guy in the Response videos to the right of the main one. He's mixed in with a bunch from Lordgreystoke, but the title is "See you at the Ceremony." Go watch it and tell me what you think.
It doesn't look like him. I don't know what that response video is about, but that guy has a beard thing (whatever it's called) and the guy in the actual video doesn't... as far as I can make out.
yeah but its one of those damned "leave you hanging" things...because you cant see his chin.
I still say that was a fan though.
By the way, for the record, I AM NOT PYRO. I AM A FAN OF PYRO FROM THE BAND, DOOMSDAY MACHINE. Thank you! Lol. I am also a girl, if you couldn't tell. The Art Of Pyro fan site
tinkerbellmoon wrote:I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the bald dude you see greeting her with the sunglasses on is the same guy in the Response videos to the right of the main one. He's mixed in with a bunch from Lordgreystoke, but the title is "See you at the Ceremony." Go watch it and tell me what you think.
It doesn't look like him. I don't know what that response video is about, but that guy has a beard thing (whatever it's called) and the guy in the actual video doesn't... as far as I can make out.
I have to agree with tinkerbellmoon, it's DEFINITELY the same guy. Now that's the most bogus piece of this video, but I can live with it. It might even be another clue, who knows?