0185- "No Trespassing" [5/2/07]
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Ok I have to agree with everyone, I LOVED this video..also the last vid..but this one I really love..this is what it's about!!!
I wouldn't mind if the taylor and sarah were new permanent characters, I know it's early but they just seemed to fit!
I also love how daniel is...jealous?...of the whole bree and joans thing...and how sarah is crushing on someone..is it daniel...are jonas? Are is she a game player...and will taylor stir things up? JUCIY!
Let's hope things continue like this!
I wouldn't mind if the taylor and sarah were new permanent characters, I know it's early but they just seemed to fit!
I also love how daniel is...jealous?...of the whole bree and joans thing...and how sarah is crushing on someone..is it daniel...are jonas? Are is she a game player...and will taylor stir things up? JUCIY!
Let's hope things continue like this!
TOSG wrote:To put it succinctly, you're like the professor of Lonelygirl15.Lurker wrote:
What cool thing did I do? Please elaborate on how I am amazing in as much detail as you like.
You're both awesome and very kind. Thank you.PixieSailor wrote:XD
Just the overall made of win vibes. TOSG put it better than I.
Alright, prolly nothing, but here's my contribution:
Assuming this is Jules in her backyard (from her new myspace profile pic)

And this is the backyard our new, larger teen gang is in:

There are major differences in fencing, flooring, and seating.
However, could be a pic taken somewhere else entirely, in which case I apologize. I am just dying for something to investigate
Assuming this is Jules in her backyard (from her new myspace profile pic)

And this is the backyard our new, larger teen gang is in:

There are major differences in fencing, flooring, and seating.
However, could be a pic taken somewhere else entirely, in which case I apologize. I am just dying for something to investigate

Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of her actually being young and the makeup being an attempt to make her look older. But I'll freely admit that this is not a personal area of expertiseAithne wrote:I think that is what makes her look so young.TOSG wrote:That's a lot of makeup for a little kiddo.

- kittenishtrance
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Let me rephrase that. I think the amount of make-up combined with the color choices make her look young.TOSG wrote:Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of her actually being young and the makeup being an attempt to make her look older. But I'll freely admit that this is not a personal area of expertiseAithne wrote:I think that is what makes her look so young.TOSG wrote:That's a lot of makeup for a little kiddo..
I just find (and this is not always the case), that girls between the ages of 14 and 19 wear a lot more make up then those 25 and up (19-25 is kinda iffy, but usually same amount of make-up, just done to look more natural). I can look like I 15 year old just by plastering my face with a lot of bright colors.
I think it is just another hole in the plot. Some have speculated that Jules responded to Bree's videos to get her attention but is now ignoring her in order to lure her into a trap of some kind. I don't know if this is the case. Personally, I doubt that the creators have thought out the situation so thoroughly. I am interested to see how they explain why Jules has been ignoring Bree and Co. (If they bother to explain it.) It would be a bit predictable if she turns out to be another Gemma. I mean, that could be a possible direction. It would be predictable but it would provide a bit more logic and consistency as well. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. This is why Lurker should answer these types of questions and not little, stupid people like me.bluejay wrote:Jules' first video was posted on YouTube as a video response to Bree's 'Losing My Religion.' Her second video was a video response to 'Spring Break Sucks.' So, she's definitely seen at least some of Bree's videos. But she is not responding to Bree's messages, so she must have some reason for this. I can't figure it out, but maybe someone else can? She's clearly trying to get Bree's attention, right? So why is she not responding?WriterGirl wrote:Doesn't Julie (or Jules or Julia, whatever) watch Bree's videos? I haven't watched her vids, so I wouldn't know, but I'm assuming she does. So wouldn't she know that they're trying to get in touch with her? So shouldn't she just, like, email them or something rather than waiting for them to try and break into her house?
By the way, it seems like Lurker has been recieving a lot of love lately. I quickly read through the thread and oh my! Does this fan have fans now? He he!
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
- Renegade
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Maybe she was specifically cast to have...err..."less obvious assets"?TOSG wrote:I see what you're saying. Her body is pretty pre-pubescent looking, though, and that would be much harder to fake.
I mean, the casting calls for Bree were quite clear, even giving other actresses as an orientation...so what stops them from specifically casting a "pre-pucescent looking female, preferrably A cups or lower"?
I mean, it may sound mean, put like that...but if you, as the casting director, know exactly what you need, what's the use in hiding it and making up excuses just to not have to hire the big-chested applicants?
Women with small breasts exist. That is a fact, and there's nothing wrong about that. So why would they have to "fake" a pre-pubescent look, if it's just a question of dressing a small-chested woman like she's color blind?
(And before the younger members of the forum go crazy now: I was not serious. That was for rhetoric effect. I'm male. And I usually wear black. I have no idea of colors in clothing. I am aware of that. There is no need to kill me.)
- EternalGoddess
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Good vid. I loved the line "I'm gonna merry this girl" I mentaly yelled "Finally!" When Sarah pointed out Jonas's and Bree's relationship. Poor Danialbeast. He has Taylor now though, right? But she's younger than him? Can't a beast get a break?

The Truth: There is always two sides to every story.
The Task: Listening to those stories.
The Task: Listening to those stories.
i dont know guys...im thinking that i dont want bree to get together with jonas or db. they are like siblings. all three abandoned by their parents (sorta).
the relationship between them...you know it just feels more endearing this way to me. if you have ever seen Luminus' fan video "ice princess" you will know what i mean. the way she discribes the "lonely princess and her two beloved beasts..." very sweet.
heres a link if anyones interested.
the relationship between them...you know it just feels more endearing this way to me. if you have ever seen Luminus' fan video "ice princess" you will know what i mean. the way she discribes the "lonely princess and her two beloved beasts..." very sweet.
heres a link if anyones interested.
Dreams from the Breenaverse
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... F3668E4366
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... F3668E4366
Great Video
I hope that Sarah boards on for a ride on the D-Train. Poor Daniel, its so obvious that Jonas and Bree are totally into each other. Unfortunatly I think that the Daniel-Bree romance is dead without hope of return
:::moment of silence::::
That being said, this gives Daniel the chance to hook up with a crazy wild child!
I predict that in the not too distant future, Daniel will walk in to Jonas and Bree kissing, captureing it all on camera of course. Daniel will get all angry, Bree will tell him it was nothing, and he might even punch Jonas. Daniel will then run off to get drunk, but Sarah will find him and slap him back to the light of day. I personally think it would be poetic irony if Daniel and Jonas both went after Sarah and left Bree in the cold so she would know what it felt like, but I doubt this would happen
As for the rest of the video. I think that Jules has actually been moved to some kind of Order compound somewhere in Texas, but isn't telling us about it. She may or maynot be an active trap, but if she was, then I would have expected more people to be waiting for them at the run down house

:::moment of silence::::
That being said, this gives Daniel the chance to hook up with a crazy wild child!

As for the rest of the video. I think that Jules has actually been moved to some kind of Order compound somewhere in Texas, but isn't telling us about it. She may or maynot be an active trap, but if she was, then I would have expected more people to be waiting for them at the run down house