WriterGirl wrote:Doesn't Julie (or Jules or Julia, whatever) watch Bree's videos? I haven't watched her vids, so I wouldn't know, but I'm assuming she does. So wouldn't she know that they're trying to get in touch with her? So shouldn't she just, like, email them or something rather than waiting for them to try and break into her house?
Jules' first video was posted on YouTube as a video response to Bree's 'Losing My Religion.' Her second video was a video response to 'Spring Break Sucks.' So, she's definitely seen at least some of Bree's videos. But she is not responding to Bree's messages, so she must have some reason for this. I can't figure it out, but maybe someone else can? She's clearly trying to get Bree's attention, right? So why is she not responding?
The last two videos have been pretty good in my opinion. I liked this one a lot too. Lot's off stuff going on, but I wonder who was in that house? I wanna know.
voyboy wrote:I also wanted to add that I like that the sisters get along. It would be so run of the mill to have them not like eachother.
Sarah is jealous of Taylor... you can tell in her blogs. Plus, Daniel is sitting there saying Taylor's smart and what not and what does Sarah do? She uses her cherry stem tying line. But, it is nice to see that they don't fight like stupid little girls.
And once again I'm really really late. Lol. I might back-track the other posts later. ^_^ Anyway, I really love Sarah's personality. It reminds me of me. LMAO. And I think Daniel likes Taylor and Sarah likes Daniel and Jonas likes Bree and Bree likes Jonas. O.O *Ahem* kay I'm done for now. Lol.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube! http://www.youtube.com/xshibbiex
Has anyone heard of trying to google julies phone number. Unless the number is unlisted at least a little infomation will be online. Seens they need the address it should be on there. Unless they just put any phone number down to let julie play soccer.
nicole_x wrote:Loved that vid. Best one in a long time.
Another love triangle? This is turning into a soap opera! (not that I mind it) But has anyone considered that Sarah might actually like Jonas instead of Daniel? On her blog she says "I have a new man. Sorta. Ok not really but I'm sure he'll come around." But then a few paragraphs down she says "One of them is such a pu--- okay I'll say wimp. I pretended to have a gun (it was so funny!). But he couldn't take a joke at all!!! You'd think a guy would like attention from a girl, but no. What a wimp." Saying that Daniel is her new man and a wimp in the same blog would be kind of contradictory. She might actually be referring to Jonas as her "new man" and was asking if he and Bree were an item as a "go ahead" Just a suggestion.
Anyways, I like how Sarah actually asked if Jonas and Bree were an item. That was the first time anyone actually verbally expressed it.
She and Taylor are really starting to grow on me. If anything, though, I think that Sarah is the stronger, more interesting character.
I actually like that different point of view you bring up! It does seem contradictory now that you mention it...hmmm there's love triangles everywhere!! I like Sarah and Taylor because they provide an alternative view to the whole situation and just spice things up...this video was great! I haven't posted in a while but I'm happy to be back up and running..especially if the videos are going to keep up like this! *crosses fingers*
Does Taylor's sister's voice sound familiar to anyone else? Or am I just crazy...it could be that. She also dresses alot like Bree. I'm glad to see more girls on the show again ^_^
edit: And there's much easier ways to get addresses than hacking the water company. Unless it's unlisted, which may be the case...
~Jonas Fangirl~
if you look too hard, you can go mad, but if you continue to look, you become liberated