0185- "No Trespassing" [5/2/07]

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Post by kellylen »

immortal1 wrote:
ApotheosisAZ wrote:
Lurker wrote: What do you think she has in mind, Apo? Be detailed.
Well, obviously I think she is intent on seducing DB. Her motives aren't easy to ascertain yet.

However, she certainly has a new-found interest in hanging out with her sister; it seems to coincide with her sisters new friends having come onto the scene.

Let's just say I think that there is room for the plot to go in a couple of different directions.
Didn't I read on her blog that she has a prom coming up?
ahahaha db can go to prom againnnn
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

milowent wrote:clearly APO is wrong! i expect bree will kiss jonas (non-platonic) before the end of may.
We should have a wager on this one, my friend.

However, we need to take that to PM. The stakes should be high.

Post by Lurker »

longlostposter wrote:
Lurker wrote:
longlostposter wrote:The creators have romanced me once again, and without giving me a decent answer. Who would've thunk it?
Seriously. They're still not off the hook, but for now, they're winning my heart back.

Bastards (said without malice).
Heeheehee. Lurker, you so have my heart.
kellylen wrote:theyll def do the naughty if they get drunk together. or well sarah will take advantage of him
Now that should raise his self-esteem. She not only likes him, but will resort to getting him sloshed?
Susan wrote:
And then Sarah will get knocked up with Daniel's baby, and The Order will kidnap it and... Just like in Degrassi Jr. High.. 14 years later we'll all have another "LonelyGirl15" to watch =)
Kill me now.
Great post, Susan.
Susan wrote:Um... Can we start talking about the content now? I'm all itchy and jitterbug waiting for the prelim to pass. Are we there yet? Image
The content was good. That's all I've got.

Well, that, and I can repeat that Jules probably wasn't there because she moved last year and Taylor used a roster from 2005. I got nothing else, though.

Now, back to Sarah's potential plans for Daniel.
immortal1 wrote:Didn't I read on her blog that she has a prom coming up?
Ah, of course. She can invite Danny to that and spike the punch.
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Post by Susan »

Lurker wrote:The content was good. That's all I've got.

Well, that, and I can repeat that Jules probably wasn't there because she moved last year and Taylor used a roster from 2005. I got nothing else, though.
Why didn't Jules inform us of this move quite a while ago? All the posts have been public. She should have been able to read them right along with us (and the Order).

Why is there someone in that house? The place looked long deserted. Could they have been waiting for the trio to show up looking for Jules?

Why didn't the dog bark?
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Post by alysaface »

Susan wrote:
Lurker wrote:The content was good. That's all I've got.

Well, that, and I can repeat that Jules probably wasn't there because she moved last year and Taylor used a roster from 2005. I got nothing else, though.
Why didn't Jules inform us of this move quite a while ago? All the posts have been public. She should have been able to read them right along with us (and the Order).

Why is there someone in that house? The place looked long deserted. Could they have been waiting for the trio to show up looking for Jules?

Why didn't the dog bark?
I think Jules is sorta.. playing oblivious to Bree.. remember how she hasn't ever responded to any of Bree's messages? She probably doesn't watch her videos either.. or something..


stalk me.

You were so much cooler before you got your little PHD in everyone elses problems.
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Post by Hippie »

GawainsChallenge wrote:Youtube has been two videos behind for some time now!
if you already got this reply, sorry, youtube was up to 6-8 videos behind, until alot of us went ape shit about the bunker videos, and all those got posted within 36 hrs I believe, not its not that far behind again...

ANYWAY... I came late on this thread. but was I the only one that thinks Sara HAD THE BEST IDEA... Just knock!! I mean there is no reason at all for 5 people to go Daniel style into a house, Daniel is the master at Stealth!! not everyone else!

I like Sara's attitude too! I wouldnt mind some more of her...

I liked the video craziness with all 5 around each other...

Still not much happening though in all reality, weve been setting up for something for well over a month now...
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Post by redbear »

A Degrassi reference... that made my month.

I very much hope that at least one of the girls sticks around. DB needs a new focus, one that will stick with him this time. I was really hoping to see some Bree/Jonas development while Alex was around, even though I knew she would be a bad guy in the end (given the whole Shakeperean angle this whole thing has had). If we have another girl, the monotony of the conversations as they travel, or as they plot ad nauseum, or while they hide out after the next time they are attacked and molested while unconcious (that was in the limited edition verison of Psychological Torture) will be greatly alleviated. A new injection of pithy female wit will do the trio some good. I vote for Taylor becase she is cute as hell, but only 15. I guess Sarah is older, isnt she?
Anyhow, the fact that Bree is only 17, 16 when the whole shebang started never discouraged us, why should it with Taylor. Aside from that whole "felony transporting a minor across state lines thing".
I'm still convinvinved that this is all a real girls web blog.
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Post by Hippie »

OK, I now stopped at the end of page 5 for two reasons... 1. DID ANYONE manage to capture the longer version? If so, i want it Pretty Please!

and 2. Im more thinking they posted the wrong file than a last minute choice to edit more, it just makes more sense to me...

Post by Lurker »

Hippie wrote:Still not much happening though in all reality, weve been setting up for something for well over a month now...
It's funny, but I really, really am happy with these last two vids. I think I am getting faith back that things are going somewhere. That scares me, but it's happening.

I really like Taylor and Sarah as well, and their actors.

Speaking of Sarah, anybody else catch how she lowered her voice and what her eyes and tongue were up to while she told Daniel about her cherry-stem-tying prowess?:


Seriously, just go back and watch her expressions there. She wants something the Beast has.
Last edited by Lurker on Thu May 03, 2007 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by psychobunnie »

i totally LOLed out loud at..
"look i'm not good with dogs... you're a beast, right... you should have like some kind of connection"
Danny B - A whole new meaning to Beastiality. ;)
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Post by GunTrunkVeto »

I really think that Sarah and Taylor are what LG15 needs so desperately: two fresh faces to come on the scene and revitalize the series. Hopefully they stay with the TAAG for a while, but I don't know how they'll do that since both of them are under 18 I believe. Sarah at the least is 17, could be 18... but Taylor is probably around 15/16. Either way, love 'em both! Spunky, smart, and a good addition!
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Post by kellylen »

psychobunnie wrote:i totally LOLed out loud at..
"look i'm not good with dogs... you're a beast, right... you should have like some kind of connection"
hahaha i did too
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by Susan »

More questions:
  • In the first scene Daniel nearly bites Sarah's head off. Did anyone else notice where Daniel's arm was in that last scene? Image
    and talking of arms? Image
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Post by kellylen »

Susan wrote:More questions:
  • In the first scene Daniel nearly bites Sarah's head off. Did anyone else notice where Daniel's arm was in that last scene? Image
    and talking of arms? Image
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by Chelseyrl »

Sorry, I had the ability... just didn't realize I'd be the only one to see the "Limited Edition".

Idk if there is anyone else...

Is there?
Curfuffle thy forumite.

You just had a Kyle moment.
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