And where is Jules? That place sure didn't look lived in. Mind you, I'm fine with the no Jules bit, but "me thinks it is a trap!" OOOH goose pimples!

Happy as a clam!
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maybe they split the video in half?Lurker wrote:Yeah, I noticed that it originally had almost 5 minutes on the preview. I was wondering where the other half went.
Thanks for recapping!Chelseyrl wrote:Okay, so in the original there was something in the beginning with Sarah teasing Daniel.
Daniel also had said that he would marry Taylor in about 18 yrs (or 15... I can't remember) and they both laughed.
There was a lot more skateboarding stuff with Jonas and Bree.
There was this whole other point with the guys on the tennis court talking about how in Texas it's legal to shoot Trespassers.
The guys also had explained that the girls were going to distract the dog.
There was a longer part about who was going to crawl through the window.
Sarah said (when running) "I don't want to get shot"
I think that's it....
They know, but - without having actually seen it - I'm thinking they probably felt like it dragged. "Quality over quantity" may be what was on their minds with regard to pacing, etc.Susan wrote:I wonder if the creators know our attention span really is longer than 3 minutes?
You couldn't be more wrong.milowent wrote:finally, exploring the bree-jonas love angle. i'm completely in favor of daniel over jonas, but am completely against this extended period of "we're just friends" which is not believeable.
sometime people actually can do it though!ApotheosisAZ wrote:You couldn't be more wrong.milowent wrote:finally, exploring the bree-jonas love angle. i'm completely in favor of daniel over jonas, but am completely against this extended period of "we're just friends" which is not believeable.
There is no Bree-Jonas love angle; there was playfulness. Jonas is lost, but he does understand that Bree still doesn't understand romance.
Daniel is lost as well. Sarah seems to be interested, and the cherry stem thing is a bar trick that men use to pick up women:
1. Take two cherries from the condiments tray in the bar.
2. Secretly tie a knot in one stem, and then put it under your tongue.
3. Get the desired woman's attention and say "check this out."
4. Show her the untied stem and place it in your mouth, then swirl it around a bit.
5. Pull the tied stem out of your mouth, look at the bartender, and say "check please."
This actually works more times than "knot."
they never could win in the first placeSmelltheflowers wrote:I'm sure they had their reasons for cutting the video short...
Did you ever consider the possibility that many people's constant complaining about 'pointless filler' sections motivated them to cut scenes that would have prompted a similar response?
It sounds like what they cut was what many have been griping about lately anyway(Skateboarding scenes with Jonas and Bree and similar events would probably be pointed out as 'useless' had they been left in)
Poor Creators just can't win anymore