Well, at the time, I had been into Wicca but it seemed too "watered down" to me. I did some research and found out about Crowley and Thelema. There was a bulletin board system (BBS) in El Cajon, CA called Modem Magick. It was associated with an OTO group. I started calling into the board to find out more. Through that, I was able to contact the OTO myself and made first contact with them in 1990.my dear watson wrote:dually noted.
so how did you get into your religion?
kidnapping in arizona
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Thanksgelb9 wrote:This is so true and absolutely well put. I've had many friends through the years who were Satanists and believed in the power of the mind. A very creative and quite imformative religion that actually makes sense. Anton LeVey indeed disliked Aleister Crowley. A lot of people don't realize Anton's contribution and view points when discussing this. Everyone always brings up Crowley but his views are quite different from the Satanic Bible the religion uses.

The satanism that a lot of christians believe exists...with people worshipping satan, poisoning halloween candy, sacrificing children, etc. does not exist. The belief in it is kept alive with urban legends. As a matter of fact, if you think about it...if they believe in Satan literally...that makes them Christian..because they're believing the Bible.
Sure, there have been deranged individuals from time to time...and immature kids trying to rebel. But a religion that worships the Christian Satan? It just doesn't exist.
You have some like Mike Warnke who the believers in this type of satanism like to point to, but Mike Warnke was found out to be a fraud..
That type of satanism just doesn't exist.
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Actually it is a reference to sex in general but masturbation or anal intercourse in particular.tannhaus wrote:Please realize that you're talking about an actual religion here...of which, we have followers on this board.my dear watson wrote:"Crowley's "Do what thou wilt" injunction led to Hell's Angels, Charles Manson. Crowley wrote in "Magick in Theory and Practice" recommendations for sacrificing a young male child to achieve best magical results. A footnote was added that he himself had done so about 150 times a year between 1912 and 1928"
As for the injunction, it is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under Will." It doesn't mean do what you want.
As far as sacrificing a young male child....that's code for masturbation.
- Sfonzarelli
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Yes, Aleister Crowley lead to Hell's Angels.my dear watson wrote:i just found this thing about Crowley:
"Crowley's "Do what thou wilt" injunction led to Hell's Angels, Charles Manson. Crowley wrote in "Magick in Theory and Practice" recommendations for sacrificing a young male child to achieve best magical results. A footnote was added that he himself had done so about 150 times a year between 1912 and 1928"
which makes me worry for Daniel. I know he's not that young or a child really, but still.
also, i'm a n00b. so hi everyone. this is my first experience with this type of thing. i find it all very interesting. very much like the game AFI has going on...if anyone is familiar with that.
Wait, what?
I've got a Morse Code anagram for you to decode, Cassie:
-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---
-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---