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Post by robtomorrow »

:P :P :P
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Post by Mirage » if everyone says the forum is getting lamer, does that mean *I'M* lame? Screw you guys. :D
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Post by Mirage »

And I'm still lame?

Assclown. :lol:
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Post by iamcool »

Mirage wrote:And I'm still lame?

Assclown. :lol:
lol i never sed u were lame
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
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Post by Mirage »

Damn straight. *pets Joshy* :lol:
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Post by robtomorrow »

iamcool wrote:rob r u trying to be funny and annoy me?

u seriously need to get a life n yeh i did leave for like a month but i still lurk n i posted like 10 times today coz i wanted to tlk to my frends about lost and tlk about the new maddy video, is that ok with u?

and coz your a coward, as usual u will just stir this up n not reply coz your probably a sad little fucker who cant get laid if he had a $1000 bill hanger from your zipper and just takes his frustration out on random people on the internet coz you know there is no way anyone can get back at you coz i'm in england

but yeh i think the word i already used was the right one, your a coward :)

I replied to you in your Off the Cuff "6000" thread I don't see a need to repeat myself, you are not worth the trouble..
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Post by kageyuki »

stuart2004 wrote:dude dont go damn it....everyone is leaving...this sucks.....and it getting very boring........damn it if you leave all that will be left are he Kageyuki(s) and the LGS types damn it damn it damn it
Not that Stuart'll ever see this response but I'm not really sure how I should take that remark, but every way I think fo it doesn't feel too amicable... I guess I have deserved that remark, though. but hey, so what I get emotional... friggin sue me for it!

So what I care about what people say about me... if I don't who will?

If people are joking, make sure that everyone knows it (especially your "target") before everyone's feelings get hurt. Also, (this isn't for anyone specific, just a general request) If people are going to be poking fun at anyone else... don't start getting all mad and throwing a tantrum when they poke back.

This is one of the problems I had with Josh. He'd make a remark about me that I took offense to, and he claims that it was only a joke,;so, no harm-no foul. So, later on "try to get back at him." Then all of a sudden, I'm the bad guy cause supposedly I can never joke around.

I hope that no one else out there thinks that I'm really that bad, though I know that's pretty much impossible... I'm pretty opinionated and usually say what I have on my mind, but at least that way I'm being honest and not trying to hide anything from anyone.

I can "lighten up" just like everyone else around here, but doing so can be pretty difficult when there are people blatanly against you. I know that such people can be ignored, but they can't be ignored forever... At some point those thorns have to be plucked.
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Post by robtomorrow »

kageyuki wrote:This is one of the problems I had with Josh. He'd make a remark about me that I took offense to, and he claims that it was only a joke,;so, no harm-no foul. So, later on "try to get back at him." Then all of a sudden, I'm the bad guy cause supposedly I can never joke around.
That is the problem I've seen everyone have who has had problems with Josh, he insults people, then when they call him on it he claims it's only a joke, "what did I say?" bullshit, he knows perfectly well what he said. Then if anyone takes a dig at him he immediately turns it into a flame war and starts calling people names, things that he would never say to your face, because if he did you would break his scrany neck.
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Post by djmadscribbler »

Mirage wrote:And I'm still lame?

Assclown. :lol:
You are one of the least lame and coolest chicks I've had the pleasure of posting with! Plus, that's some masterful use of the word assclown.
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Post by Kasdeja »

djmadscribbler wrote:
Mirage wrote:And I'm still lame?

Assclown. :lol:
You are one of the least lame and coolest chicks I've had the pleasure of posting with! Plus, that's some masterful use of the word assclown.
Asshat. :o
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Post by iamcool »

robtomorrow wrote:
kageyuki wrote:This is one of the problems I had with Josh. He'd make a remark about me that I took offense to, and he claims that it was only a joke,;so, no harm-no foul. So, later on "try to get back at him." Then all of a sudden, I'm the bad guy cause supposedly I can never joke around.
That is the problem I've seen everyone have who has had problems with Josh, he insults people, then when they call him on it he claims it's only a joke, "what did I say?" bullshit, he knows perfectly well what he said. Then if anyone takes a dig at him he immediately turns it into a flame war and starts calling people names, things that he would never say to your face, because if he did you would break his scrany neck.
:roll: if you say so :lol:
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
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My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued

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Post by betz28 »

josh....i like josh...and he was HERE today...where are ya now? miss ya!
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Post by iamcool »

betz28 wrote:josh....i like josh...and he was HERE today...where are ya now? miss ya!
i'm here n i think i will come on more so bobby has to 'deal' with me more :)
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted

My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued

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Post by Broken Kid »

Seeing as how both the creator of this thread and follow-up posters feel the need to attack each other personally, this thread is moved to the Rubbish Bin.
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