Maddison Atkins "No More" [4/29/07]

Who is this new girl, and what's happening to shake the foundations of her normal life?

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Post by nowherepixie »

Oh BK you are so sneaky!
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Post by marlasinger »

f**k. this can't be.

i had this hope, this...glimmer of hope...that maddison would come back. I can't...I don't know if I can keep playing without her.
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Post by Broken Kid »

marlasinger wrote:f**k. this can't be.

i had this hope, this...glimmer of hope...that maddison would come back. I can't...I don't know if I can keep playing without her.
Well, perhaps asking why Maddy died would be a question to ask Jeromy. Although that may be part of the plot discussion he doesn't want to get into... you can leave that up to him. I certainly would be interested in knowing if her death was inevitable or if fans played a role!
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Post by alysaface »

mary wrote:
alysaface wrote:=( i'm a texan too, but i've never seen one of these before, haha.. guess i'm too much of a city girl =)
you're from dallas right? that's, like, THE metropolitan area. so you're good.

white trash ftw! lol
bet you don't have a fridge in your yard :P
Yep i'm in the lovely Dallas =)

I sure don't have a fridge in my yard, lol, just pretty flowers and some trees and bushes. haha.

vetgirl85 wrote:why my guns & shooting? thats not cool. First with Jonas, and now maddy? Im disappointed that they feel the need to show the use of guns to make it more *dramatic*
Im sad for Maddy even if it isnt real :( I hope she is ok and that this arg is canon.
but please! stop using guns!!!!!!!!!!
u'd think they'd be more sensitive after what happened in vt and what keeps happening in this country...
Oi, you ruddy liberals!



imma have a gun in my apartment just to shoot your ass if you break in, and noone's going to take that right from me!

Lurker wrote:
alysaface wrote:All I remember about the debate team was our trip to San Antiono and getting in lots of trouble, hahaha!
Dare I ask? Hmm. I dare. What happened?
Haha, lots of good times.. I was about 16 I think, and I got in trouble for just about everything that you aren't supposed to do while on a school sponsored field trip! =)

stalk me.

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Post by watching_watchers »

This is sad. I almost feel teary. Its weird. =[ Bleh. I hope since this acually showed what happened that means that maybe Gemmas alive.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

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Post by janejane26 »

Aw, Nikki Bower acknowledged Maddy in her most recent video, at the very very end.
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Post by R8tedR1 »

*cries on hands and knees in a mad rage*



Ah the joys of being an actor. dramatic effect is just...just great.
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Post by tailortaru »

Nikki bower's accent in her video made my ears start to bleed. T.T
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Post by marlasinger »

god yes. nikki, just speak normally, please. youre already too excited about everything - we like your voice the way it is, and those of us who do not can only tolerate it in its normal pitch.

<3 nikkib for her effort and contribution, not her voice.
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Post by DizzoMonkey »

It all seemed very staged, almost too staged. That gun didn't seem real at all, and the color in the film changed once he brought the bodies back into the picture.

My theory is that it was all staged to throw them off of their tracks. At least, let's hope so because if that wasn't the case, then that was one bullshit way to end this.

Oh, and the fact that Nikki Bower mentioned it (in an annoying accent, but I digress), gives new light to its relevance.
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Post by shadowofjustice »

DizzoMonkey wrote:It all seemed very staged, almost too staged. That gun didn't seem real at all, and the color in the film changed once he brought the bodies back into the picture.

My theory is that it was all staged to throw them off of their tracks. At least, let's hope so because if that wasn't the case, then that was one bullshit way to end this.

Oh, and the fact that Nikki Bower mentioned it (in an annoying accent, but I digress), gives new light to its relevance.
I'm hoping it's staged, because if it's not, then I will be required to be very angry, and hurt all.
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Post by marlasinger »

Well, here's my beef.

Every video until then was well done. And this one was...well, poorly done in my opinion.

i would have liked a better video quality for an ending, i suppose.
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Post by tailortaru »

That is true... if they can get a pidgeon, then they should be able to afford a better quality gun.

Hit Nerd + Cap Gun = Staged Deaths (I hope)
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Post by skeeta »

much as i would love maddy and adam to have staged their deaths, i doubt it.

jeromy barber said "This chapter of our story is over." i assume that means maddy and adam are really gone, though i hope he will continue the series with some new characters. anyway, they couldn't really fool the ppl who wanted them dead, because they would know they hadn't killed them, and they were the only ppl who could want maddy dead.
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