erm, im not really all that "down with the technology" so to speak, so I was wondering if any of you could help me out? On my profile, it says something about a URL link to my avatar (???). Okay, two questions:
1. What do I do if I just want my display picture to be a picture thats already stored on my computer?
2. How do you make those moving avatars anyway? they're awesome
Any info/help would be really appreciated
Thanks guys
-- Particular --
Particular wrote:1. What do I do if I just want my display picture to be a picture thats already stored on my computer?
I can help yo uwith the first one! You need to upload your image (but first make sure it's resized down to about 100 pixels wide max) to a free image hosting location. I use, because it's free and easy. Once you upload it, it will tell you the url to use, and you can just paste that in your profile!
yeah, to make animations you just have to search for a program for making them. there's loads of them about but you'll have to pay cos otherwise you just get annoying free trials
badkittyX1505 wrote:I did it I got an avatar.
Thanks to Lurker.
Glad to help.
Thank you for helping her, Lurker.
*Puts Mom apron on*
Young lady, you better not get in trouble or get bad grades.
Sorry, folks, had to do it.
BK, that was mean to Pixie. Burger King might not be as prominent in the UK as it is here.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.