I am not dead beware of the false prophetess

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Re: I am not dead beware of the false prophetess

Post by rejected92 »

immortal1 wrote:
tigress wrote: The False Prophetesses:
Cutting down others to build yourself up is weak.
Why does Jules come to mind when you say that? :shock:
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Re: I am not dead beware of the false prophetess

Post by Libra »

rejected92 wrote:
immortal1 wrote:
tigress wrote: The False Prophetesses:
Cutting down others to build yourself up is weak.
Why does Jules come to mind when you say that? :shock:
Hmmm maybe because so many people cut her down? ;) Though I don't think they did it to make themselves feel better, or at least I hope not.
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Post by tigress »

Back from London
With healed wounds
A new strength
An old fight
I escaped with life
I return for vengeance
- G :twisted:
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New Video

Post by tigress »

A new video by the Light Bringer:

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Re: Back

Post by onsweetavenue »

tigress wrote:Back from London
With healed wounds
A new strength
An old fight
I escaped with life
I return for vengeance
- G :twisted:
G for Gemma?

Are you writing us from Hell? Does Satan have wifi?

I might have to reconsider my plans for the afterlife.
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Post by tigress »

Spurius awaits Tarpeia
They will reunite
It is his wish
Peace will come
Then from the dust
We will ride
Into War

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Post by iampenguin »

Okay, back from Wiki...Every time I see a post from Tigress I find myself opening it up. Its like a relfex.


I figured she was talking about this guy. I'm not sure how he relates to Tarpeia, though...
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Post by tigress »

iampenguin wrote:Okay, back from Wiki...Every time I see a post from Tigress I find myself opening it up. Its like a relfex.


I figured she was talking about this guy. I'm not sure how he relates to Tarpeia, though...
Spurius Tarpeius
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Post by iampenguin »

Okay, now that the elusive Tigress filled me in on WHICH Spurius I'm supposed to be looking for, I ran another Wiki search. Ended up with a stub and not much else.

So, I ran to Google.

It wasn't much help either. I ended up with a lot of porn and redirected back to Wikipedia. Of course!

Spurius Tarpeius is a mythological character. He was the commander of the Roman citadel under King Romulus.

Thats all Wiki/Google really got me...Not sure how that fits in with any thing...
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Post by tigress »

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Post by tigress »

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Post by tigress »

Tarpeia, était une vestale, fille de Spurius Tarpeius, que Romulus avait nommée gouverneur du Capitole. D'après la légende romaine, elle aurait livré la citadelle de Rome aux Sabins, alors en guerre contre les Romains.

La légende dit que Tarpéia était amoureuse du roi des Sabins Titus Tatius. Elle décida alors de trahir ses compatriotes en livrant à celui-ci la citadelle du Capitole, en échange de son amour. Titus Tatius promit alors le mariage à la jeune fille, puis se parjura. Avant que les soldats Sabins se fussent introduits dans les lieux, Tarpeia leur demanda de se débarrasser de tout ce qu'ils avaient à la main gauche, notamment leur boucliers sans lesquels ces derniers étaient à la merci des Romains (elle convoitait certainement aussi les beaux bracelets en or que les Sabins portaient également à leur bras gauche). Mais la ruse ne fonctionna pas et fut même éventée. Titus Tatius ordonna alors à ses hommes d'écraser Tarpeia sous leurs lourds boucliers. Le rocher où cet événement eut lieu prit alors le nom de Roche tarpéienne et fut dorénavant utilisé par les Romains pour y précipiter les traîtres à la patrie.
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Post by iampenguin »

Tarpeia, was a vestal virgin, girl of Spurius Tarpeius, that Romulus had named governor of the Capitole. According to the Roman legend, she would have delivered the Rome citadel to the Sabins, then at war against the Roman ones.

The legend says that Tarpéia was in love with the king of the Sabins Titus Tatius. She décida then to betray its compatriots while delivering to this one the citadel of the Capitole, in exchange for his love. Titus Tatius promit then the marriage to the girl, then itself parjura. Before the soldiers Sabins itself fussent introduce in the places, Tarpeia their demanda to rid of all that they had at the left hand, notably their shields without which these the latter were at the thank-you Roman (she coveted certainly also the beautiful bracelets in now as the Sabins carried equally to their left arm). But the trick not fonctionna and was same éventée. Titus Tatius ordonna then to its men to crush Tarpeia under their heavy shields. The boulder where this event eut place prit then the Rock name tarpéienne and from now on was used by the Roman ones for there to precipitate the traitors to the fatherland.

I apologize in advance for any translation errors...I just used a free service ^^;
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Post by Hippie »

wow how did I miss this thread? very interesting stuff here!
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Message for Jules

Post by tigress »

Tarpeia has arrived
We wait and watch
Her man shall fall
Her father is near
Elizabeth commands
From afar she listens
We are her eyes
We are her hands
We smell the fear
Tarpeia is fooled

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