callmejules24- "Hear Me Out" [4/30/07]

Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Post by kgurl84 »

TOSG wrote:A little better, but I still find her really annoying, and the last minute was atrocious.
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Post by Aja »

Chelseyrl wrote:Eh... I still don't really care for the girl. I don't hate her... but I really could live without her.
You took the words out of my mouth.
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Post by alysaface »


jules done told us!!! =)

i sorta like her now =)

stalk me.

You were so much cooler before you got your little PHD in everyone elses problems.
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Post by cbizzle44 »

ok this video made me feel like when a coach or teacher or someone sits the class/team/whatever down and says:
i'm sorry, i'm doing my best
and you want to be like "its ok we love you! we're sorry for being mean!" but instead you just sit there awkwardly

so i'm thinking this is the creators' way of saying she's legit, leave her alone
and now i like her/feel bad for poor fictional jules
because suppose she WERE real. that would suck severely
currently chewing ice breakers sours gum

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Post by HyeMew »

I don't think her acting got better, but that this was actually her having a heart-to-heart with lonelygirl fans.
It was clearly done in a rushed manner, as she isn't on set.
Miles mentioned in his frantic apologia yesterday that they just had an actor quit on them and that everything had been screwed up.
This means the actor played an important role already (without being BDJ of course) and would be irreplaceable. The only reason for irreplaceability is that they've already been seen by the fans. The only known and likely canon girls are Taylor and Jules, and it already seems blatant that Jules is the ceremony girl. Meanwhile if Jules has been reading the comments about her, which is likely, she got quite the lambasting. She likely got fed up with all the negativity and quit. The Creators got her to return somehow and used this impromptu video to make her more likeable, try and get sympathy from the fans, and pull Jules out of the deathspiral she's been in since day 1.

Therefore, she wasn't acting at all. It's clear her script-using is much to be desired, but this was just her letting the lg15 fans know how she feels. The script doesn't seem to kick in until the end when she gets back to, ehem, business.

This makes it pretty clear, as if it wasn't already, that BDJ will be confronting Jules over in Texasland and that it is likely the Creators themselves (and not some subcontracted group of writers) who are responsible for the Jules scripts. If so, this is truly harrowing as the Jules scripts are some of the worst things on the face of the planet. I was really hoping that Jules was either 1. a characature of Bree which was intentionally bad, or 2. a serious character who was being written by someone other than Creators for them, explaining the clearly inferior yet stylistically similar script.

I'm posting my breakdown of the previous episode's script (Mi Escuela) over in its respective thread.
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Post by je_sais_cequisetrame »

Oh my O_O

I believe that was an attempt at guilt-tripping us.

And I'm afraid to say it sort of worked, hehe.

*crawls back into my shell*

Okay. Jules. I don't hate you. As much as I did 2 minutes and 50 seconds ago.

In fact, when you said "Emo!!!" I even giggled! Promise!
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Post by kittenishtrance »

Libra wrote:Why does she look so much different in this video?
They definately got her a make over to make her look a little older.

Post by Lurker »

I already liked her before, so now I can say I definitely do. I felt like she had more to offer as an actor than what most people were assuming. She was way better here. There was the genuine feel of searching for what to say instead of already knowing (with all the realism of looking around the room while thinking about it), and she had a lot of fluctuation in her overall tone and variations in inflection on certain words, as one would expect to really be the case.

We got to see some emotion too, which was nice. I agree with others that the last 40 seconds of the video weren't quite as good, but it wasn't any less well done on the actor's part, and I think the video was actually better for having included that. It seemed real to me for her to try to move away to something more lighthearted before ending the video.

Yes, it was painfully awkward, but I think that was the point, and it works and it feels more real. All this served to make the character more interesting and alive too.
onsweetavenue wrote:Second half she went downhill when she talked about the rapping and all that. That's not her, and she can't pull it off.
I think that may be the point.
immortal1 wrote:I think this one was a huge improvement. It was almost like they said- here's the topic, now talk a little about it rather than sticking to a script.
I got that impression too. If that's what they did, they need to stick with it. From what's been said in the past, that's more or less how they handle the BD&J videos. It works better for obvious reasons: The actors are required to put more of theirselves in there and actively think instead of just recall or read.
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Post by HyeMew »

Lurker, this is my point though.
What we saw WASN'T ACTING.

Ex. "she had a lot of fluctuation in her overall tone and variations in inflection on certain words, as one would expect to really be the case"

That's because she was REALLY talking.

"There was the genuine feel of searching for what to say instead of already knowing"

That's because she was hurt, enough for her to quit. This was her having an unscripted heart-to-heart with the fans upon her return. She had a lot of thoughts, a lot of things to say, hence her genuinely searching for the words to say and how she wanted to say them, as opposed to retreiving a script from memory and reciting it.

It's no coincidence when the guilt trip ends and things get a bit more scripted again, her performance once again goes downhill.
Do you have conversations with people, perhaps about emotional topics, and at the end say "wow you really used good voice inflection and sounded really genuine!" No. People show emotions like actors in their natural state- that doesn't make them actors. It's the reading of scripts and ability to act them properly and naturally which makes them such, and we once again don't get a good picture from that in the last minute when she seems to be reading from the script again.

So I think your attempt to herald her newfound acting talents because she very well might truly have been speaking unscripted and from the heart really seem to be much ado about nothing.
Last edited by HyeMew on Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mousegirl »

She was better in this video, but she still isn't that great. I still find her annoying. She is becoming a better actress, but then she ruined it by trying to act all, funny. She is just to fake to handle.

Post by Lurker »


The fact remains that she was acting in-character as Jules. She was explaining all of that from the standpoint of the character's life, not her own (I assume; unless she really is all that lonely and isolated in real life, only interacting with a cat and her little sister, which I hope is not the case).

So even if she was bringing her own hurt and disappointment to the table, she was doing it as Jules. And, actually, that's what actors are trained to do: Bring their character to life by infusing them with passion from their own lives. That being the case, even if what you're saying is true, in a roundabout and unintended fashion, you're really reinforcing my take on her acting.
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Post by iampenguin »

Iiii feel like a douche bag now =_=;; Apparently our bitching was soooo bad that they finally decided to just address the viewers. Mind you, they used Jules, which is fine, because, y'know...We're bitching about her. But my point still stands.

Okay, okay, looking back at the first Gemmers and Jonas videos? They weren't exactly flawless themselves. Plus, Jules is a lot younger than the rest of the cast, so she's still learning I imagine.

Sooo I'm making myself a promise! I will not bitch about Jules any more!

...I still hope its "flowersonmyhat" though...
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Post by onsweetavenue »

Lurker wrote:
onsweetavenue wrote:Second half she went downhill when she talked about the rapping and all that. That's not her, and she can't pull it off.
I think that may be the point.
I've been saying I hope that is the case for awhile, and I hope it is. But still, to me listening to it even if it's supposed to sound scripted, is quite painful.

Honestly though I wouldn't say the first half was devoid of any bad acting at all. she sounded a LOT better though, but nothing like "AHA! she's bad on purpose look how talented she actually is!"

She's definitely improved and I guess what I hope is that she's baiting bree and she sounds scripted purposely because hymn of one is effectively giving her a script to read...if that makes any sense.
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Post by Leaven »

I must be heartless because I just don't like her. This video didn't change my opinion at all. I cannot wait until this arc is over.
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Post by Haether »

I still feel like a creep watching her videos.
It didn't help when the boyfriend came in the room and laughed at me for watching a "little kid." I had to defend myself for a half hour!

This is obviously the direction the creators are going, though, so I guess I'll just have to learn to accept it.

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