callmejules24- "Hear Me Out" [4/30/07]

Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Post by rupaZer0 »

I thought that was great! I really felt guilty for being part of the criticism that has hurt her so much ... while taking a step back, because she is in character after all and the hurt isn't real.

I think this might have been deliberate, as part of the storyline. She feels rejected by large portions of the online community, and can't see her real world friends as much as she'd like. As far as I can tell, ceremony candidates have to feel kind of isolated and lonely - in fact, cult candidates in general have to feel like that. So this is perfect.

I have this vague glimmer of hope that this might be part of the plan. Set up a character we'll all hate, wait for negative feedback to reach a dangerously high level so that the character feels upset and lonely, then have her come really close to doing the ceremony. Though I'm aware that this is far-fetched.

On a slightly different point, this video taken in isolation is interesting when you consider who wrote the script:
callmejules wrote: ...about the languages ... they're new. I've never really heard anyone pronounce them, or teach me how to pronounce them, so I'm trying, and I'm putting myself out there for you guys. ... I don't go to a public school, and I'm not the best speaker, and this is a new camera to me, but you know, I'm trying, and that's all I can give you guys.
Possible translation ***not a real quote!!!***:
TheCreators wrote: ... about the interactivity ... it's new. We've never really seen anyone else do this, we've not been trained in how to do this, so we're trying, and we're putting this stuff out there for you guys. ... We're not Hollywood fat cats, and we're not professionals, and this is a brand new medium, but you know, we're trying, and that's all we can give you guys.
My point here is one of artists expressing their frustration and *not* that they're literally this angry with us. But clearly it hurts to be criticised. I feel kind of guilty now ... but I guess criticism is important and valid.
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Post by milowent »

in julesspeak: tengo gusta.

ok, maybe i didn't love it, but it was an improvement. i have to imagine the actress is using some of the criticism of her 1st videos to drive her emotions in this one.
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Post by GawainsChallenge »

I can see exactly what's happening here. Jules is being given makeup and better hair and probably being intensively drilled and coached on how to act better, all in the desperate hope that the fans will start liking her. The embarrassing part is that it's having exactly that effect on me even though I can see exactly what's happening!
Unless...rupaZer0 is right, and her initial annoyingness WAS part of the plot... If so, the creators are geniuses! Man, I hope that's the case...
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Post by Melisa »

I liked this one a lot more.
Uh.. EMO. :P
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Post by yoruba »

Yes, definitely likeable.
Congratulations, Jules!
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Post by GawainsChallenge »

Oh, keep in mind that there is a real person who is playing her, and that if she wasn't originally supposed to be annoying, she is probably sincerely upset with how she has been received by the LG15 community. It's possible that some of that emotion is real.
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Post by mincartaugh »

Real or not, it's nice to see something besides 12 year old. I still can't stand the character. Especially given the number of amazing candidates to choose from. IMO she's still some backer's brat daughter trying to get into video by pulling strings.

But I don't hate her. That's as far as I'm willing to go.
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Post by EmiB »

I really enjoyed her in this video. And I definitely agree with you, rupaZer0 about how the Creators are speaking through the script.

And "enough of this stuff...EMO!" made me crack up.

Yeah, she's dorky and lame, but if her videos become more "real" like this one she's definitely gonna grow on me.
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Post by Libra »

Why does she look so much different in this video?
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Post by onsweetavenue »

For me when she said "emo" it seemed out of character and i started to like the video less.

As for people who continually say "don't criticize jules, you will hurt her feelings, she's a real person"

Let me say that unlike the other new girls (except Taylor, probably) Jules has a job. She is being paid and at minimal she's getting tons of exposure and something to put on an acting resume. She's apparently beat out tons of girls for this. Criticism comes with the job.

I'm sorry she's upset but if her aspiration is to continue doing this then she needs to toughen up and learn how to ignore criticism or take it and not be bothered by it. Like Jessica Rose.

I find Jules annoying. I'm always going to find her annoying. I don't by her silliness. On bree it was kinda sweet. Not on her. I think she whines a lot and the first half of this video was the only time I was ever really "buying" what she was saying. Second half she went downhill when she talked about the rapping and all that. That's not her, and she can't pull it off.
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Post by Hippie »

No matter how much shes acting better, this is just, no.. thats all just no...

Does this feel almost like a Im sorry from the Creators for even bringing this girl in? and further more a sorry because she will be the new girl?

The structuring of the start of this just feels like the script was written with almost a double meaning...

The more this girl is plastered in front of our faces the more people will fall into the hole which is Julie as new girl... and thats sad to me, as if maddi doesnt make me sad enough!
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Post by immortal1 »

I think this one was a huge improvement. It was almost like they said- here's the topic, now talk a little about it rather than sticking to a script.
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Post by GawainsChallenge »

While I previously found Jules annoying, I don't understand why so many people think she's unrealistic. She seems like a lot of younger teen-age girls I know, and even the painfulness and silliness of most of her videos has seemed like exactly what I would expect from most girls that age.

I don't blame her (the character) for venting. Imagine how you would you feel if you were shut up in a house all the time with very little contact with anyone or anything outside.

While she (the actress) undoubtedly needs to learn to deal with criticism (it's absolutely unavoidable in the entertainment business), let me assure you that it takes either a huge ego or a tiny ego (or a lot of experience) to not be bothered by criticism of something that matters to you.
Last edited by GawainsChallenge on Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Aithne »

immortal1 wrote:I think this one was a huge improvement. It was almost like they said- here's the topic, now talk a little about it rather than sticking to a script.
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Post by TOSG »

A little better, but I still find her really annoying, and the last minute was atrocious.
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