I think this might have been deliberate, as part of the storyline. She feels rejected by large portions of the online community, and can't see her real world friends as much as she'd like. As far as I can tell, ceremony candidates have to feel kind of isolated and lonely - in fact, cult candidates in general have to feel like that. So this is perfect.
I have this vague glimmer of hope that this might be part of the plan. Set up a character we'll all hate, wait for negative feedback to reach a dangerously high level so that the character feels upset and lonely, then have her come really close to doing the ceremony. Though I'm aware that this is far-fetched.
On a slightly different point, this video taken in isolation is interesting when you consider who wrote the script:
Possible translation ***not a real quote!!!***:callmejules wrote: ...about the languages ... they're new. I've never really heard anyone pronounce them, or teach me how to pronounce them, so I'm trying, and I'm putting myself out there for you guys. ... I don't go to a public school, and I'm not the best speaker, and this is a new camera to me, but you know, I'm trying, and that's all I can give you guys.
My point here is one of artists expressing their frustration and *not* that they're literally this angry with us. But clearly it hurts to be criticised. I feel kind of guilty now ... but I guess criticism is important and valid.TheCreators wrote: ... about the interactivity ... it's new. We've never really seen anyone else do this, we've not been trained in how to do this, so we're trying, and we're putting this stuff out there for you guys. ... We're not Hollywood fat cats, and we're not professionals, and this is a brand new medium, but you know, we're trying, and that's all we can give you guys.