Jules -blog "spoiled" [4/29/07]

Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Jules -blog "spoiled" [4/29/07]

Post by Lunafox »

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... 01ad0a48e7

new blog post on miss callmejules' myspace
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

The quote is from Aleister Crowley. It was in the Hymn of One email that went out today. :shock:
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by Lunafox »

so at minimum we know she gets the newsletter
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Post by Aponi »

colbertnationgirl wrote:The quote is from Aleister Crowley. It was in the Hymn of One email that went out today. :shock:
This is also the first show of some...additude from Jules. Something other than the generic-seeming 'Oh I have to study MORE *pout*' thing.
I like it. Now only if she could deliver some of that spunk and attidude in her videos...
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Post by kellylen »

ohhh that blog is very interesting.

I'm starting to like her more and more.

and yess her blogs have spunk!
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by cbizzle44 »

me too kelly
i like her on myspace way more than i like her on youtube actually!
but this is what confirms that she's the new girl. i bet bree will see this and say "oh thats what the deacons used to say" and it will be settled.
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http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=clarazzle44- in a youtubian world
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Okay I just read all her blogs and messaged her cuz I couldn't find her myspace until just now. But after reading the blogs, there isn't a doubt in my mind that she IS the new girl.
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Post by charliebrown »

She has exercises and is under a lot of pressure hmmm....
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Post by mincartaugh »

One more example of trying to foist a no-talent 12 year old on the LG15 fan base. It's disgusting.
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!

Post by Lurker »

mincartaugh wrote:One more example of trying to foist a no-talent 12 year old on the LG15 fan base. It's disgusting.
That's a little unnecessarily harsh to the actor, no?

I still think it's premature to say she has no acting talent until we see her interacting with another human. This whole making love to the camera thing may be strikingly different than working with another person (though I think it would alleviate a lot of people's complaints if she wasn't always looking straight into the camera; BD&J will look at the camera, but they'll also look around the room and seem to zone out while they're talking).
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Post by sanguine105 »

I posted it under the characters' chat forums, but why not? I'll post it here too.

Check out this website and match it up to the quote in Jules' profile:

"Tis' mixed with his life's blood and eaten. 'Tis the use of the lower life to feed the higher life."

http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/M ... he_Phoenix

from the site:

The Phoenix hath a Bell for Sound; Fire for Sight; a
Knife for Touch; two cakes, one for taste, the other
for smell.
He standeth before the Altar of the Universe at
Sunset, when Earth-life fades.
He summons the Universe, and crowns it with
MAGICK Light to replace the sun of natural light.
He prays unto, and give homage to, Ra-Hoor-Khuit;
to Him he then sacrifices.
The first cake, burnt, illustrates the profit drawn
from the scheme of incarnation.
The second, mixt with his life's blood and eaten,
illustrates the use of the lower life to feed the
higher life.

He then takes the Oath and becomes free—un
conditioned—the Absolute.
Burning up the Flame of his Prayer, and born
again—the Phoenix!

Crowley's comment:

Twig? = dost thou understand? Also the Phoenix takes twigs to kindle the fire in which it burns itself.

In Magick, Book 4,, Crowley comments that The Mass of the Phoenix "should be performed daily at sunset by every magician."


Looks like we're going to have to investigate the Mass of the Phoenix now
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Post by watermelonhead »

JULES! RUN AWAY!!! you are in great danger!!
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Post by sororyzbl »

watermelonhead wrote:JULES! RUN AWAY!!! you are in great danger!!
oh dude, mass of the phoenix never hurt nobody. well, the cuts can hurt.

It is a ritual that involves cutting of one's self. Not like gouging stab in the heart, though, just a scrape on the breast, enough to mix with the cakes of light.
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Post by TheeBerean »

The Spoiled blog does seem to be the rantings of, say.... the unwanted adopted step daughter....
The Flock is being Misled.
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