
The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Post by Onewen »

alysaface wrote:
What's the Unity of Caspian?

edit:: nice find, Onewen, i'm too half-asleep still to do any researching, hehe.
My wasn't anything indepth...just a quick google search... :wink:

Don't know about the "Unity of Caspian"...could that be some kind of code?? :shock:
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Post by alysaface »

Sounds too similar to Cassie for me. I'm going to avoid doing any research on thatun. ha.

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Post by Onewen »

hahaha! Guess I can't blame you there. I wish I was better at it...some of these smarties will show up here soon I hope. Would love to know if this "newsletter" will help us with the vids we've been getting. ???
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Post by Luminous »

Onewen wrote:
alysaface wrote:
What's the Unity of Caspian?

edit:: nice find, Onewen, i'm too half-asleep still to do any researching, hehe.
My wasn't anything indepth...just a quick google search... :wink:

Don't know about the "Unity of Caspian"...could that be some kind of code?? :shock:
A quick search turned up this - I'm sure there's more:
  • 1. The word Caspian is derived from the name of the Caspi, an ancient people that lived to the west of the sea in Transcaucasia.[5]

    2. Prince Caspian is the prince whose evil uncle, King Miraz, and snatched the throne of Narnia. Caspian gathers an army of the Old Narnians and fights for his crown. Caspian reappears (as King Caspian) in the two following books in the series: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader andThe Silver Chair and makes a brief appearance in the end of The Last Battle.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Hey guys, I got this today.

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Post by Claramata »

I just recieved an email from [email protected]
Greetings to all of you and many thanks for your loyalty and assistance.
In the coming days we want to remind you of the many challenges facing our
house. Look to Sopdet and Hathor for strength. Remember the Unity of
Caspian in trying times. Remember what was promised and what was given
and, most importantly, what remains. As we spread out amongst the
unbelievers in the coming reaches it is within ourselves and to eachother
that we must turn for strength.

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Looks like there is definantly an Egyptian influence in here, but we already knew that one. I'll have to look up the rest of these names (since yeah, not that up on this kind of stuff).
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Post by RockinDuckie558 »

Caspian can also be a reference to the Caspian Sea which is located around the Persian area. Here is the Wikipedia page of it:
Kinda thinking about it for a little bit, the unity of caspian can refer to the war in Iraq? Just an idea. :smt102
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

:shock: Kelly is right! Bush is in the Order!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by alysaface »

bush isn't intellictual enough to be accepted by the order.. heh thats like... an insult to the order..

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Post by sagerbee »

Wow, I had no clue so many people would respond... Wow, you've all had so many great comments. I need to go read up, but I'm headed off to school.

I don't think that they'd reference current events like the war in Iraq, only because it could spark so much controversy. That's probably why they didn't mention VT, which could also be taken to the fact that they might not have a television.

Maybe the Unity of Caspian is another branch of the Order? Like OpAPHID, but different? Maybe they're the one's doing all the research? Or trying to keep the Order together?

I won't be on much, but I'll try to come back soon. Bye!
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