
Have a question for Bree, concerns or comments? Speak with her here.

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Post by longlostposter »

Dear Bree,

I am very upset that you have continually asked for our advice, and appear to have not read a single thread here. If you have read them, you have ignored the advice posted therein.

This is no way to treat your fans, who love and care about you. I want you to know that this apathy of yours is one of the major reasons I am leaving here. Best of luck to you.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
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Post by Susan »

I'm leaving too. And for some of the same reasons. Jules is just a little girl with a camera. She has neither the presence nor the steel that we see in you. That you continue to ignore us and look to her as the one you are hoping to save does a disservice to us as well as to the one who will stand in your place.

Go chase your little butterfly, Bree, maybe some of us will try to save the real candidate on our own.
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Post by eucebo »

Honestly, why bother in ask for our help when all you say in your videos is whatever you want? Sure, you come here and tell us what a great job we're doing with all the research, but you don't really take any of it seriously.
If we're supposed to have a part in all this, if we're supposed to help you in the only way we can, that it's doing research (some of us live really far away to even offer you guys a place to stay... unless you do want to come all the way to Argentina), the LEAST you can do is commit yourself with us.

That's all that I have to say.
So... I guess this is it...
Shhhhhhhhhh *sigh* *swoon*
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