Sleep Talking

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Sleep Talking

Post by hollyxmas »

Hi Daniel!
I remember you showed us once in a video how Jonas sleep talks sometimes. I don't know much about sleep talking, but maybe you can try listening to what he says. Maybe he'll say something about vegas. From what I read in later stages of sleep, sleep talkers may only mumble and are not understandable. But in earlier stages they are much more understandable and sometimes you can have conversations with them.
Just a thought I had. :)

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Post by longlostposter »

Yeah, Daniel, it might even be a good idea to record those ramblings, and play them for Jonas later on. It might get something to leap from the subconscious mind into the conscious one.

Good idea, Holly.
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Post by hollyxmas »

thanks! :D
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Post by RockinDuckie558 »

Great idea Holly! Beast you better do what Holly says and start taping Jonas while he sleeps. You can catch something important that way.
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Post by SippyGirl »

You can definitely have conversations with people who talk in their sleep. I talk in my sleep often and I have had conversations with people that I have been told about later. But watch out for movements. I don't know about others, but if a dream or something bothers me enough while asleep, I have been known to flail and hit people.
Try it out, Daniel. It may get you further in your search.
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Post by Susan »

When I was a kid, my brother actually carried on a conversation with me. He answered intelligently, too. Of course he didn't remember word one in the morning! LOL
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Post by mousegirl »

Susan wrote:When I was a kid, my brother actually carried on a conversation with me. He answered intelligently, too. Of course he didn't remember word one in the morning! LOL
I had that too!
And another time with my mother there as well. All three of us talking, and my brother not remembering a thing.
Then once with my mother.

But this is a great idea!
Try it out!
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Post by eucebo »

I talk in my sleep all the time. My little sister does too, but she's able to remember the conversations she had sometimes. I never do... But, then again, I was a sleep-walker when I was a kid. And it's known that sleep-walkers can't remember anything when they wake up. When the years passed by, the sleep-walking stopped and all it was left was my sleep-talking thing... Is not such a good thing to do because you never know what you might be saying and who might be hearing. :oops:
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

Yea, try talking to him too. I used to be able to talk to my brothers when they were sleeping. Sometimes some interesting things come up. Just remember to record it or something like they said. He may not say everything and just hearing those thoughts could bring more memories back.
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