Bree's Clothes

The girl we know and love

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Post by CarCrashHearts »

kellylen wrote:you know what else i noticed. Bree never wears the same thing twice.

this has to be a problem cause tihnk about it. shes on the run away from home... how many clothes DID she bring with her?
I think she wore like one or two shirts twice on two separate occasions.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

I wonder if they are her own, or if they are supplied for her?
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by zippo69 »

they are probably hers, they look good on her. And she likes polo, hmm.
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Post by xentis »

woo this thread is a hoot

well its a simple answer, you remember that time bree went scuba diving with scoobie well she found a magical fish which told her to swim left and then dig and which she did and found a map and then scoobie saw a shark and then started swimming but didn't move in then in a split second zoomed across the screen , which then lead to bree \ makeing a crazy plan which was to grab a sword fish go to a sunken ship have scoobie make the shark swim past it use the swordfish to cut the robe making the mass fall down and trapping the shark and then giving a lesson on the history of how these plans always work , and it ends up the shark was the magic fish and the fish said "dang you meddling girl and you're dumb cat too" and then they found a endless supply of clothes that are always different

so what was the map for? who knows
ya i bet you thought scoobie was a dog well nope
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Post by Sammy19 »

Eek. Sorry for being late with the post. I've just joined the forum and I was reading through some of the comments and such.
I saw this thread and kind of laughed to myself as to what it was about.
I think that she wears whatever she likes?
Many people have the 'attitude' of being innocent and smart and such, but don't always dress that way.
What are you expecting her to wear? Clothes that cover her entire body: Sweatshirts, baggy pants/jeans, hats?
Also, you might want to take into consideration that she doesn't pick her outfits for the "movies."
Her director or film maker, which ever you may want to call it, could be choosing them for her?
I don't know, that's my opinion though. =D
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