Ok, someone said they noticed that a lot of people want to save Bree from her religion. I agree. It seems like people are afraid of Bree's religion because it's different and are rooting for Daniel..but, think of this:
I'd say at least a majority (more than 50%) of the people wanting to save Bree from her religion and thinking bad things about it without researching are fundamentalists. But, if you look at Bree's lifestyle: Very strict parents who shun her boyfriend because he doesn't go for their religion... homeschooling their kid...etc. What religious movement does that seem to fit? Fundamentalist Christian...
Then we look at Daniel. Daniel is rejecting her religion and trying to save her from it...while at the same time admitting he doesn't know anything about it. So, that seems to identify with the same group of people rooting for him, right?
But, Daniel is stalking Bree. She's told him to leave her alone. Instead, he's following her, etc. He's actually committing a crime.
So, what if the creators are using people's bigotry against them? By adding Aleister Crowley and Thelema to the mix, he's certainly put in a religion that is often misunderstood, slandered, etc. with people really not even researching into it...just believing lies. It seems many are ready to continue that tradition.
So, what if the videos take a twist in the end...Daniel tries to harm Bree..or acts in a more intrusive way. Perhaps she has to call the police in. On top of that, we find out that Bree's religion is safe, nurturing, and is really quite a wonderful thing for her.
Then, doesn't it tell the people who were on the "wrong side" so to speak something about themselves, their bigotry, and their actions? By allowing people to care about Bree, but fear her religion...root for Daniel, but overlook his criminality....they could be laying a trap...where at the end, the consequences of Daniel's actions come home to roost.
I also thought about this Egyptian astrology thing. Bree went into detail in the video about the astrology..part of her religion. She said Sopthis was important, but most websites seem to agree on that....that Sopthis was the most important figure in the Denderah Zodiac. So, maybe that's not a clue about her religion.
But...maybe this is.... she said it caused quite a stir among the intellectual elite of the time. It caused so much of a stir, they had the zodiac removed and brought to them. They ENVIED that aspect of her religion. So, that may set up a little twist where at one point people accepted and envied parts of her religion....and now, when we've supposedly progressed and become more intellectual, we know less and fear everything we don't understand. They didn't understand it...so they immediate began to study it. We don't understand it....so we fear and shun it.
This would mean that maybe...just maybe...her religion isn't all of the story...maybe it's OUR reactions today to her religion. Maybe we're playing right into the plot as a whole.
I think if this happens....I will be forced to love this video series