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Post by watching_watchers »

mindinflight wrote:
watching_watchers wrote:=o I love house. I just recently got into it I wish I would have been watching it sooner. =[

edit: he was in one of the american idol clips telling people to donate money for american idol gives back. ^_^

speaking of american idol borat was supposed to be on there but I didn't see him. Did I miss him or was he just not on it??
I honestly don't know. I tend to avoid shows like American Idol like the plague. :P But I'm glad I've found another House addict like me!!
American Idol is awesome though! lol.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

I only like the audition parts of American Idol, after that I never watch it. And I don't really care when I miss it. But I hate to miss House. It makes me sad that I missed so much this season. but now it's like I should just wait and buy it on DVD when it comes out.
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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

I haven't been able to watch the new episodes lately, so I do have a question. Is Cutty a man? Weird wording, but I think you know what I mean.
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Post by mindinflight »

thelogicpuzzler wrote:I haven't been able to watch the new episodes lately, so I do have a question. Is Cutty a man? Weird wording, but I think you know what I mean.
Uh, last time I checked, Cuddy was very female, and trying to get pregnant. O_o
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Post by Aponi »

mindinflight wrote:Tsk, poor Chase. Cameron broke his little Aussie (House: "He's British!") heart. Tell me, are you all Huddy or Hameron shippers?
Hameron! :-p

And I am so addicted to House. I think there is alot of fans on here, i've seen alot of House-related icons.
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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

mindinflight wrote:
thelogicpuzzler wrote:I haven't been able to watch the new episodes lately, so I do have a question. Is Cutty a man? Weird wording, but I think you know what I mean.
Uh, last time I checked, Cuddy was very female, and trying to get pregnant. O_o
Yes, but I think there was an episode where House and Wilson suspected she was a man who had sex change or something. I don't know, that's what my father thought. He's a fan, too.
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Post by mindinflight »

thelogicpuzzler wrote:
mindinflight wrote:
thelogicpuzzler wrote:I haven't been able to watch the new episodes lately, so I do have a question. Is Cutty a man? Weird wording, but I think you know what I mean.
Uh, last time I checked, Cuddy was very female, and trying to get pregnant. O_o
Yes, but I think there was an episode where House and Wilson suspected she was a man who had sex change or something. I don't know, that's what my father thought. He's a fan, too.
She may not be a man, but I bet you she could whoop House's ass if she reeeeealllly wanted to. :P
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Post by kageyuki »

I've been a Hugh Laurie fan since his days "Black Adder" days; so I guess I was fated to be a House M.D. fan, as well! I feel I can relate with Greg House, though. I can sometimes hear myself saying half of the off-kilter lines he says, in response to his team, before he even says them...

I never miss a show, though I may be a few days late in seeing it. I have my friend TiVo it. LOL

Cuddy is a female.
As for House and Wilson whispering about Cuddy being a man with a sex change; House fans all over know that Wison can be just as sarcastic [cynical] as House (maybe more,) especially when the two are being cordial.

And, Flauta! Awesome that you remembered that anagram from last week's episode!
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Post by mindinflight »

Kageyuki, I totally get where you're coming from. I've loved A Bit of Fry and Laurie for years now, it's pure comic gold.

And BTW: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Foreman can't leave!!!
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Post by mindinflight »

Hey y'all, bumping this b/c this Tuesday's series finale is gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!! Who thinks Foreman is actually gonna leave? Psha, not me.
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Post by sparkybennett »

mindinflight wrote:Hey y'all, bumping this b/c this Tuesday's series finale is gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!! Who thinks Foreman is actually gonna leave? Psha, not me.
No way is Foreman leaving!
looking forward to tuesday!
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