At least I'm good for something today. God knows I'm not getting any work done!Kasdeja wrote:Days like this where you guys have me laughing make all the arguments worth it.

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At least I'm good for something today. God knows I'm not getting any work done!Kasdeja wrote:Days like this where you guys have me laughing make all the arguments worth it.
So then don't get angry. Who controls your emotions, you? Or do you let others have control over your emotions?JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Something needs to be done about the religious accusations and fights going on here. I can't keep getting so angry. It's really ruining the fun.
You know, spaciegirl...spaciegirl wrote:Ok really...we've heard you. Shut up already. I think that was the intention of this tell everyone to shut up about it...then you post in this thread and keep going on about it. WTF? How many times do you have to keep saying the same shit?
So then why do you say something "makes" you angry? It's your choice to get angry - you yourself are saying that you have full control over my emotions.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: I have full control over my emotions. But it makes me angry when people are close-minded and annoying. Much like yourself.
I have respect for many people other than myself. I agree, this is a fictional series and there is no need for heated religious debates to arise from it.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: This is just a fictional show. The episodes are about 4 minutes long each. They aren't intended to arouse heated religious debates. Don't tell me to grow up. You have no respect for anyone but yourself, and that's not how you're going to get your opinions across. Coming on here and treating people like shit is not going to make your religion look any better. Please do us all a favor and take your condescending know-it-all attitude and your religious beliefs elsewhere, 'cause I have news for you: you don't know jackshit about the world. No one asked for your thoughts on religion. okaybye.