The New Girl = New vBlogger???

Who is the "New Girl" targeted by the Order?

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The New Girl = New vBlogger???

Post by kageyuki »

Is it me or doesn't anyone else find it somewhat odd that most (if not all) of these girls coming out of nowhere claiming (or not claiming) that they are being targeted by The Order or the Hymn of One are first time vBloggers?

Seriously? Again, for most (if not all) of these girls, this is their first time making a vlog. Is it a policy of the HoO or The Order to target girls who've never been seen online, before?

Post by Lurker »

It's a side-effect of the series not being planned out in advance. Any new characters that get introduced (unless they're brought in the way Alex was) will probably have to be new vloggers.
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Post by rupaZer0 »

Maybe vlogging is an ancient Hymnofoneian tradition that has always been part of the ceremonial preparation process? Wow, what a cool religion!

And then the One said: 'Take unto thee a webcam and thy shalt be holy. But she who takes unto herself an iSight, that be begotten by the Apple, she shall be holiest of all. Then thy bequeath thine video unto YouTube, but the wisest of all bequeath unto Revver, for it bringeth advertising revenue.'

Having said that, Bree doesn't use an iSight. Maybe that's why they don't want her for the ceremony anymore.
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Post by Ziola »

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Post by limegreencrayon »

I thought that was interesting too. when Bree first started out she was very hesitant to talk about her religion at all at first, and then after getting lots of cryptic clues the real answers came out, even though there are still a lot of things that need to be answered. It seems like all these girls, with the exception of taylor, are far to eager to talk about things that they aren't really supposed to talk about.
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Post by Ziola »

Well, I work with teenage girls and let me tell you, they are more apt to talk about things they aren't supposed to if they think their parents will never find out :lol:
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Post by kageyuki »

*laughs* Nice one, rupaZer0.

I don't mind the fact that a new character would have to have created a new account on YT or Revver, but do they really have to passed off as being "virgins" to vBlogging?

A couple of these "newbs" to vlogging seem to feel (or rather look) as comfortable with it as a "seasoned veteran" to vlogging. We're all supposed to believe that these girls are between the ages of 15 and 17, right?
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Post by immortal1 »

Of course they are first time vid bloggers even the most likely Creator made vids Jules and Taylor are. How else could you do it? If you look at the Flock profiles it says "The way we are prepared for life isolates us from our peers. This is a way to connect with the other girls like us. " I think it's not hard to believe these girls started making videos at this time to connect with each other.

As for what they reveal, every girl is different. In the beginning Bree said she wouldn't talk about, not that she couldn't. I do agree that the better ones are more subtle about it.
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Post by Luminous »

rupaZer0 wrote:Maybe vlogging is an ancient Hymnofoneian tradition that has always been part of the ceremonial preparation process? Wow, what a cool religion!

And then the One said: 'Take unto thee a webcam and thy shalt be holy. But she who takes unto herself an iSight, that be begotten by the Apple, she shall be holiest of all. Then thy bequeath thine video unto YouTube, but the wisest of all bequeath unto Revver, for it bringeth advertising revenue.'

Having said that, Bree doesn't use an iSight. Maybe that's why they don't want her for the ceremony anymore.

lmao :smt044

But seriously, I think there may be something to this. Maybe when these girls begin to get the drift that they are up for the ceremony, they begin vlogging and making as many friends as they can, so it is more suspicious and difficult for the order to disappear them. Kind of like what Mr. Zipp advised Maddison to do.
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Post by nowherepixie »

Hmmm. Good point. I'm of the idea though that if they're all getting prepared for the ceremony they're just trying to make contact with other girls like themselves. And if one makes a Vlog then the others will think 'ooh I can do that too.'

Also bear in mind that if you want to introduce a new character you can't travel back in time and haven them been posting youtube vids for over a year, as a purely practical point ;)
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Post by chershaytoute »

rupaZer0 wrote:Maybe vlogging is an ancient Hymnofoneian tradition that has always been part of the ceremonial preparation process? Wow, what a cool religion!

And then the One said: 'Take unto thee a webcam and thy shalt be holy. But she who takes unto herself an iSight, that be begotten by the Apple, she shall be holiest of all. Then thy bequeath thine video unto YouTube, but the wisest of all bequeath unto Revver, for it bringeth advertising revenue.'

Having said that, Bree doesn't use an iSight. Maybe that's why they don't want her for the ceremony anymore.
Oh, lowered above, rupa, I love this! You oughtta write The One Commandments (however many there are) for the Hymm...I have a hunch they'd be perfect!!
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by Lurker »

Luminous wrote:But seriously, I think there may be something to this. Maybe when these girls begin to get the drift that they are up for the ceremony, they begin vlogging and making as many friends as they can, so it is more suspicious and difficult for the order to disappear them. Kind of like what Mr. Zipp advised Maddison to do.
If they're anything like Bree, they not only don't think the ceremony is something that will harm them, but they think it's bloody fantastic.
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Post by Wags229 »

i love it how the second that they mentioned a new girl, she like immediately had a youtube and a myspace with all her info up on it. how convenient :wink:
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