callmejules24 - "Call Me Jules" [4-10-07]

Is Julia the "new girl"? What role does she play?

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Post by Incognito »

The acting was SO fake.

I'm wondering if this new girl is an order "plant." Bree has already announced plans to try to help her, maybe the Order expected this response. They could use this oppurtunity to get Bree.

Why would they hunt Bree so obessisively for months and then just have a "new girl." Seems...........fishy.
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Post by bluejay »

This might not be relevant or mean anything, but if Jules is really learning French, she has a pretty bad teacher. Or bad texts or something. When she tried to introduce herself in French, she said something like 'mes noms est julia' which translates to 'my names is julia.' makes me think she's definitely fake.
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Post by Renegade »

Her German is worse...she's basically asking "Is my names Julia?". And for some reason, she says it like a military interrogator.

Either way, I assume it's not a good sign that I had to turn off after a third 'cause it was so horrible. (Reading in the transcript that she raps in the next vid, I think that was a wise decision.)

This may sound mean, but...I get no feeling of sympathy for her at all. Not even the slightest bit. Bree's first videos, from their content, were pretty useless as well - but at least she had a personality. She drew you in. You didn't care what you were watching, 'cause it was fun to watch. This, however, is just...well, not even worth watching to the end.

God I hope she's not the new girl. And if she is, that she'll be sacrificed soon.
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Post by Kasdeja »

And if Bree spoke a foreign language on camera she wouldn't have gotten it from an online translator, I don't think. :lol:
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Post by silvermoon »

Maybe the bad language usage is just a hint that she's a fake plant by the Order?

Could anyone studying 4 languages really have screwed up 3 of them at one go?

Surely the Creators would have done a little more research into such a simple term as "my name is" if they had been trying to do it in a serious manner.

Or maybe they just want us to be driven insane. Bree nod.
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Post by Cleo »

I just don't get how that could really be evidence that she's a plant. Why would the Order mess up languages? Aren't they international?
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Post by onsweetavenue »

I am wondering if maybe 1) they are making her bad on purpose (like "hey, she makes videos and reads a script she made before) and then suddenly she's goign to get better when "real" stuff happens that impacts her or 2) she is going to be killed by the order or 3) she isn't the new girl, the creators are just trying to scare us and she's a red herring for someone else. Or, 4) she got this gig because she's related to someone the creators know.

Because honestly I do blame her for her acting. I do know there are more talented kids out there, and I do know the creators could have found someone more talented. So i really, really think there had to be some reason for this fakeness besides they couldn't find anyone better in her age group.
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Post by garnet »

Despite similar circumstances, this character is very different from Bree. First of all, she is younger. If I'm not mistaken, Bree was 16 when she was asked to do the ceremony. Jules looks to be about 13. Girls of that age generally don't want to appear to be overly intellectual.

It's pretty typical for 13-year-old girls purposfully NOT to try their hardest to pronounce words correctly because they seem to think it's cute or something. It's okay to get good grades or have an interest in certain subjects, but you don't want to appear to care too much or try too hard. That's the MO.

I get the feeling that this is a girl who was sent to her room to learn some preliminary lessons on laguages with a couple of books and her computer. It's not like she has a team of orderites tutoring her at all hours. I mean, Lucy didn't come around to Bree for quite awhile. Owen had to help her learn most of the Enochian.

The mistakes are a character trait. That's all. This is part of the problem with Jules too. The fact that Bree did the little "proving science wrong" bits and knew about topics fairly obscure to most 16-year-olds is part of what made her so endearing.

Jules seems to be more into arts than the sciences. While the Count of Monte Cristo is a bit advanced for jr. high, its subject matter -- injustice -- is one often embraced by tweens.

Jules is pretty accurate for her age group if you ask me. It's just that -- um, well, it's not the most endearing age group. 16 is sweet. 13 is just . . . painful.

Post by Lurker »

garnet wrote:The mistakes are a character trait. That's all. This is part of the problem with Jules too. The fact that Bree did the little "proving science wrong" bits and knew about topics fairly obscure to most 16-year-olds is part of what made her so endearing.
Bree's "Proving Science Wrong" is a good thing to bring up here. It was hardly the scientific method in action (not even close to an accurate test of the concepts she talked about), yet she was rarely ran through the dirt for the absurdity of it all. Jules on the other hand says two or three lines in different languages wrong and she's suddenly evil incarnate.

It may not be all that odd that Jules said those lines incorrectly after all.
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Post by nowherepixie »

garnet wrote: Jules is pretty accurate for her age group if you ask me. It's just that -- um, well, it's not the most endearing age group. 16 is sweet. 13 is just . . . painful.
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Post by Cat »

so far everyone has saied what id say, would say, but has already been said :wink: :P :lol:

also as smeone who tried to learn Spanish and Italian via online/tv/books i can honestly say :smt018 do not do, one language at a time, or else you\ll basterdize both! which i did :cry:

so i say with experiance, espesually since French and Spanish are also pretty simmilar i dont recomend learning them at the same time via the internet

in fact same goes with German, or whatever! ](*,)
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