0174 - "New Girl" [4/17/07]

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Post by silvermoon »

Yeah, I think the Creators have hit upon a nice form of Bree. She's grownup, but still cute and quirky.

I'm back to liking her for the most part.

If I don't think about how mean she was to Daniel and Jonas.
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Post by kwicherbichen »

Wow, people! We were back to liking Bree back in that training video of hers! >_< I guess some Doubting Thomases needed convincing.

Post by silvermoon »

"We" were, lol!

I guess some of "us" weren't. :wink:

Back in the training video, she pulled out her monkey and was complaining about the camp. She still felt like a privileged princess to me.

She finally seems to be taking this seriously now.
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Post by longlostposter »

Breepop wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Sami: What did you mean when you said that it isn't really Bree in this video?? I was so confused. That looks like Bree to me...
I don't think she meant LITERALLY not Bree, lol. She was speaking in more of a personality sense... like that wasn't the way Bree usually acts, I guess.
I thought maybe Sami thought she was a clone or something. :shock:

The cloning talk seemed so random. It was weird.
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Post by LolaJC »

kwicherbichen wrote:Wow, people! We were back to liking Bree back in that training video of hers! >_< I guess some Doubting Thomases needed convincing.
I wasn't trying to speak for anyone else. Sorry if it came off that way. I'm just saying that now I am starting to like her more. K? :wink:
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Post by Kanazaka »

I don't like Bree any more or less than I did, but I like the way her personality is developing as she grows up. And really, she's matured a lot in past ten months. I particularly like her new take-charge attitude and determination to do the right thing, even though she may be afraid and concerned about her welfare. In this video in particular, I admire her immediate support for the new girl whom the Order is chasing. I was surprised that it wasn't Maddison Atkins, but then I remembered that she's investigating the Order, and is not being pursued :oops: (at least not for the ceremony :twisted: ). Very nice video, and great acting by Jess :) .
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Post by Lurker »

Kanazaka wrote:I don't like Bree any more or less than I did, but I like the way her personality is developing as she grows up. And really, she's matured a lot in past ten months. I particularly like her new take-charge attitude and determination to do the right thing, even though she may be afraid and concerned about her welfare. In this video in particular, I admire her immediate support for the new girl whom the Order is chasing.
In retrospect, that's probably a better way to phrase how I feel about her too. I still don't actually like her in the sense that I do Daniel or Jonas (she'll probably never get there), but I do like that she's got some good qualities in her personality now and has demonstrated that she has the potential to be an adult.

A princess complex by its lonesome is a lot better than what she had before. I can live with that.
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Post by mincartaugh »

Frankly, I like Bree quite a bit less these days. Her attitude toward Daniel hasn't changed since day one. She still sees him as a handy thing to have around, but of no real consequence. She's also starting to get bitter. The scene in the parking lot of the grocery store is a prime example. Instead of a group of three friends, the DBJs have become three individuals occupying the same space. I see that as mainly Bree's fault. She has removed herself from interaction with the boys and the result is catastrophic. Somehow she has focused her priorities entirely outward and is ignoring the breakdown of her support team.

Nope. I don't like this Bree one bit.
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Post by LolaJC »

So is Nikki B official or what??
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