Wow. Its about time someone confronted Daniel about his drinking, but I'm not sure it should have been done while he was drunk or hung over. If Jonas thinks that Daniel needs to see himself drunk or hung over then maybe he should put a hidden camera up in his room or pretend to join him sometime and record it, rather than trying to show him what hes like while hes like it.
I also think that Daniel really feels like Bree wants Jonas and left out, since him and Bree didn't work and Alex and him didn't either. Daniel may have really bad luck with girls but when he finds someone special [Hopefully Bree in my opinion] then they will be perfect for each other and be happier than they thought they could ever be.
Daniel does need help but I just really think a different approach needs to be taken, and maybe by Bree instead to show him that she still cares about him and doesn't want him to be that way. Because I think hes feeling like hes done so much for her to help her and protect her and now she doesn't need him anymore and only needs Jonas. Even though, obviously thats not the case. [I hope.]
When Jonas did this he probably made a lot more tension than there needs to be between the two of them and I'm pretty sure Daniel isn't going to forget all of this just because he was drinking, and he can still watch the video.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think Jonas took the wrong approach and Bree needs to sit down and talk to Daniel when hes completely sober and let him know she still cares for him and needs him and doesn't want him to be harming himself the way he is and moping around depressed over Alex or herself for that matter, and that he can find someone and is needed and special.
Okay, I'm done.