I'm pretty okay if I do say so myself.
My favorite song to play is Night on Bald Mountain.
Don't know it? Go to projectplaylist.com and search for it and listen. It's a great song.
PolkadotConfederation wrote:you can actually play that? wow...it's scary!!!!!
Yeah... It's so spooky when you're on stage playing and you sit by the percussion.
I also like to play Beethoven's 5th (i think that's the one where it goes "DUNDUNDUN Duuuuuuuuun DUNDUNDUN duuuuuuuuuuuuun"? I mix them all up sometimes.)
PolkadotConfederation wrote:you can actually play that? wow...it's scary!!!!!
Yeah... It's so spooky when you're on stage playing and you sit by the percussion.
I also like to play Beethoven's 5th (i think that's the one where it goes "DUNDUNDUN Duuuuuuuuun DUNDUNDUN duuuuuuuuuuuuun"? I mix them all up sometimes.)
I love beethoven's 5th!!!! ahahaha. great song. Mostly I just play celtic music, because that's really what harp was made for...but there's this one composer Marcel Grandjany (I have a pic of him on my myspace), who composed a lot of classical music just for harp, and he is me herooooooooooo. His compositions are so amazing.
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