I like sleeping in too, but...

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I like sleeping in too, but...

Post by bubbleteagirl »

Hey Daniel,

I saw the last video Jonas posted and I just wanted to say that I wouldn't be so chipper about going on a run first thing in the morning either!! Although... sometimes a run, or a walk, on a nice cool day can be refreshing.... as long as it's not first thing in the morning!!

I've sort of been worried about you lately. I can't really imagine how difficult this whole situation must be for you... but I know it's intense. You've given up so much to help your friend Bree. You've had to live in your car, you've had to live on the streets, you've been followed, you've been kidnapped and you even tied up your friend... all that must be beyond freaky. Right now, you're coping... and that's a huge feat in itself. You've sort of become an inspiration for me.

But... do you remember that video you posted where you talked about your parents and said "You know, I'm not gonna be careless like my parents were. It's not about covering my own ass, it's...it's about watching out for one another." I think that was really deep and really self-aware of you. I just want to make sure you haven't forgotten that...

I care about you Daniel, even though we only know each other online. If you ever need to talk... about anything... I'm here to listen.

- bubbleteagirl
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Post by mincartaugh »

Thank you. I hope he listens to you.
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Post by bubbleteagirl »


I just wanted to add one more thing. I've noticed that you haven't really responded to everyone else saying basically the same thing as me... so, I wanted to make sure that this didn't come off as me mothering you or lecturing you or just straight out annoying you.

I'm not telling you to "stop drinking". I just want to make sure that you're okay... and that you're not turning to alcohol in order to escape the insanity of your situation.

We all find ways to escape... TV, eating, partying, the internet, sleeping, talking, walking, driving, music, the opposite sex, shopping. Sometimes we NEED to escape. I escape on the internet and by driving. Jonas escapes by running. Bree escapes by VBlogging and playing with her stuffed animals. So, even if you are drinking as a means of coping... I'm not going to lecture you and tell you to stop.

BUT if your drinking is a form of temporarily escaping your situation then obvs you're not feeling great about your situation. So, I want to make sure you know that there are tons of people on the forums, including me, that are here to support you. Also, Jonas and Bree likely do know exactly how you're feeling... so why not talk to them about it?
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Post by mincartaugh »

Way to equivocate! "Daniel, I think you may be heading down a dangerous path, but--hey!--if you don't... Cool!"

Jonas and Bree don't know how he's feeling! They weren't falling for Alex. They weren't the ones ripped away from this woman. Not once but twice! They're not wondering why the hell they voluntarily gave up college and a job to be hunted down by a malevolent organization. Bree has acted as bad as Alex when it came to his feelings, and Jonas has been the reason he has lost Alex twice.

Yes, Daniel, I do want you to talk to somebody. I want you to talk to somebody unbiased. That's someone not on the Order's side, but not on Bree and Jonas' side either. You need an advocate for you, boy! It's not bloody likely you're going to find much support in these parts; and you're sure as hell not going to find it down in that bunker. Hie ye to a mind smithy, boy! Grab a counselor out of the yellow pages if you have to, or go to an AA meeting and find a sponsor. Poke your head into the nearest homeless shelter if nothing else. If you're any where near Tacoma, visit the Food Connection and ask for their list of assistance programs or go to CCS and book a visit with one of their counselors. Just don't keep going on goin' on.
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Post by bubbleteagirl »

mincartaugh wrote: Yes, Daniel, I do want you to talk to somebody. I want you to talk to somebody unbiased. That's someone not on the Order's side, but not on Bree and Jonas' side either. You need an advocate for you, boy! It's not bloody likely you're going to find much support in these parts; and you're sure as hell not going to find it down in that bunker. Hie ye to a mind smithy, boy! Grab a counselor out of the yellow pages if you have to, or go to an AA meeting and find a sponsor.
I think this is a great idea. There is likely a crisis line in his area that he could call. And... I highly doubt that the order would be controlling local crisis lines... so, it would likely be safe. Heck, they even have a working phone in the bunker (or at least it seems from Bree's last video).
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Post by marlasinger »

I'm not sure if it's that easy, especially when you're in a situation like he is in. The order might not be tracing calls to AA lines, but might they be watching the activity in the area known to contain a bunker? We don't know what the order knows about the bunker, only what the bunker knows about the order.

Daniel. You're in a tough spot. And you know what? YOU can get yourself through it. I've done it. I've seen my family do it. It's got much less to do with what you're doing and much more to do with what you want.

Decide what you want Daniel. And like bubbleteagirl says, remember your words - it's about looking out for another. Decide what you want, and do it. But be true to yourself, in every way.

And if you're anywhere near any of us, feel free to ask us for help.

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Post by mincartaugh »

I doubt you've been where he is. Do you have all the symptoms of PTSD? Do you have full blown depression? Are you being chased by a powerful organization? Have you eaten from garbage cans, been brainwashed, watched a man get killed? This is not the time to pull yourself up by your own boot straps. He needs HELP!
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Post by satansgurl »


We are all here for you. Sometimes talking can make things better. Don't give up hope, things will work out in the end.
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Post by gjtko2007 »

Daniel, please find another way to cope with this situation besides drinking. I know it's been rough, but drinking is NOT a good way to handle a situation. You're not doing any good laying in bed all the time. Why don't you go running with Jonas next time he offers the chance? Why don't you ask Bree if you can play with Owen and P. Monkey and all those nice stuffed animals she has? Or at the very least make yourself useful by looking out for Order people in case the whole new girl thing is just a bluff? Is that really too much to ask? :)

I know you call yourself Danielbeast, but please don't make the metaphoric real through your drinking. Drinking doesn't help the situation in the long run, so please find some other way of coping, OK? :)
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Post by mincartaugh »

You're a cinematographer, right? How about trying to find some way to look at those slides better? When you were sifting through the slides you said there were a lot of this one girl. Is there a way you could get one of the slides of her digitized? We need your help, Daniel boy.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Daniel, please come talk to us and to Bree and Jonas. That's a better way of releasing whatever pain you have than drinking it away. Alcohol is a depressant. The "high" is only temporary. You could fall into major depression and no one wants to see that happen to you. You can take measures to prevent it by cutting down or eliminating alcohol use entirely, by taking Jonas's advice and getting your adrenaline and endorphins going with exercise and fresh air, heck, even by reading comic books (but not to an EXTREME). Maintain connections with other people too. That is really really super-duper uber important to maintain a healthy emotional and mental state. PLEASE listen to us here. We are on your side. Please.
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Post by longlostposter »

mincartaugh wrote:Marla,
I doubt you've been where he is. Do you have all the symptoms of PTSD? Do you have full blown depression? Are you being chased by a powerful organization? Have you eaten from garbage cans, been brainwashed, watched a man get killed? This is not the time to pull yourself up by your own boot straps. He needs HELP!
The thing about it, mincar, is he can't do that safely. If he goes to a counselor:

1) The counselor could be with the Order, leaving him open for more mind control.
2) In order to get the help he needs, he would have to talk about the Order. The counselor might then contact someone, and they would be found.
3) The counselor decides he is a raving lunatic and has him locked up.
4) Going into town is risky. Someone from the Order might see him, and follow him back to the bunker.

He can't go for professional help without risking all of their lives. He's going to have to find another way.
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Post by theratdiva »

I hate to be the one to try to put things in perspective, but...

Yes, Daniel was attracted to Alex and lost her twice... but what about poor Jonas? Alex is his blood kin and she betrayed him as well as Bree and Daniel. I can understand that Daniel is depressed and upset, but that's not the main issue, since I'm pretty sure that all three are depressed and upset by Alex's actions. The problem lies in how Daniel is dealing with it. He's drinking again, heavily, and we all know from watching the videos that when Daniel gets drunk, he can lose control.

Daniel, I completely understand that things are rough for you right now, but there's a bigger issue for you and those around you when you drink. I know that it's hard to talk things out, and that you might even feel that you can't talk to Jonas or Bree about it. You can talk to us, though, Daniel. We're still here and our only interest is the safety of you three.

I've had depression, I've had PTSD, I've had tremendous losses in my life... but alcohol is a depressant. No matter how good it makes you feel at first, in the end it only lowers your mood.

Talk to us when you're ready, Daniel. We're here.
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Post by nowherepixie »

theratdiva wrote:
I've had depression, I've had PTSD, I've had tremendous losses in my life... but alcohol is a depressant. No matter how good it makes you feel at first, in the end it only lowers your mood.
Ditto. But you also know then that he's not really going to listen to us if we sound liek we're nagging at him huh? :?

It's tricky. We're thinking of you dude.
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Post by danielbeast »

Ok Ok Message Received. I get it. Drinking isn't the answer. It just numbs you and takes away the pain... for like a second until you throw up. That's not much fun (especially in the nasty toilet we got here in this classy bunker). The truth is, I don't wanna feel numb. Ya this situation sucks and I'm sad, but those feelings are a whole lot better than feeling nothing at all. Some of you are right that I need to talk to someone...not sure the whole counselor/aa thing is really for me though. I wish there was someone else here other than Bree and Jonas. They're awesome but a little too close to the situation to be helpful. I need a new sidekick. Where did p monkey go? **looks around finds nothing** damn those stuffed animals!
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