Sick of being asked to PM

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Post by bethy »

ApotheosisAZ wrote:
bethy that really necessary. I mean, it's like putting up a warning label on a stroller telling you to remove your child before folding it up.

It's a public chat room. One should never EVER expect privacy there. Anyone who does...well...



I never suggested anything was neccessary. I stated a personal opinion, followed by a well-intentioned suggestion.

Please PM me with any other concerns you have regarding my suggestions.

Thank you.


Actually, I won't do that. Personal opinions are just fine, and I was just discussing the merits of doing what you suggested is all. I never even said you said it was necesarry...I just questioned why anybody even needed to address it because anybody who thinks what they type into a public chat room is somehow private and secretly guarded is wholly misguided. And posting a notice like that in chat is, to me, just as moronic as stupid warning labels. It's just plain common sense.

I'm sick to death of people posting an opinion here and then when somebody dares decide to discuss it, we get the "Take it to PM" crap.

Yeah, it ticks me off. Apo, this isn't about you personally, and I'm not arguing with you...I'm just sick of the general attitude. I was discussing the idea, not arguing with you. Shi------sheesh.
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Post by surrealisticpill »


didn't we already have a thread about "take it to PM"?

apo was just trying to keep our chat transcript thread on topic. it doesn't need to be trolled by your constant contrary opinions.
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Post by trainer101 »

I split this off from the original thread so it could be addressed as a "stand alone" issue. Bethy didn't repeat herself - blame me.
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Post by surrealisticpill »

ok well then, thanks for keeping my thread on topic, trainer!!! ^_^

edit: cuz i spelled trainer wrong :oops:
Last edited by surrealisticpill on Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Broken Kid »

When a moderator asks someone to take a discussion to PM, it's either because that conversation is unsuitable for public discussion, a back-and-forth conversation between two people that doesn't concern anyone else, or a conversation that's off topic and interfering with the discussion in question. This is for the sake of everyone else in the topic. A moderator is well within his or her rights to delete posts after a request for a conversation to be moved off topic.

This isn't directed at Bethy necessarily, but if anyone has questions about that, there you go.
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Post by bethy »

Well, in this situation....the moderator took my comments as an insult or an attack...or shall I say, "disrespectful" when it was never even directed toward him.

My comments didn't concern Apo per se, it was about the suggestion itself...the suggestion, btw, that happens to remain the original thread.

There was absolutely no need to ask me to take the conversation to PM because it didn't involve me or the Mod. It's a general topic about how to handle chat transcripts in this situation. Yet, the Apo felt "disrespected" for some reason and immediately jumped to the "take it to PM" line.

Just like I'm tired of mods who lock threads on request (often for no reason except that somebody's annoyed with something), I'm tired of Mod telling us to take things to PM.

Guess what? I HATE PMs. I avoid using them if at all possible. If I could turn my PM box off, I would. I've nothing to hide. If somebody wants to post a suggestion, then they damn well better be strong enough to handle discussions of the merit of said suggestion, especially when it's something that involves everyone.

I just don't get it.

You know, if I asked mods to lock every thread thread in here where somebody said something that bothered me or offended me, I'd spend half the day whining about it.

Instead, I choose to ignore it and let people say what they want.

I expect the same courtesy.
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Post by TJ Marsh »

I think the mods do a great job, and they try there best to take it to pm, that way its just u guys having the convo, one on one, that way there is more time to take on the promblem.

Once agian, great job, mods!
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Post by Renegade »

bethy wrote:Guess what? I HATE PMs. I avoid using them if at all possible. If I could turn my PM box off, I would. I've nothing to hide. If somebody wants to post a suggestion, then they damn well better be strong enough to handle discussions of the merit of said suggestion, especially when it's something that involves everyone.
Although I'm not directly involved in anything regarding this situation, I do second this opinion...what's the use of having a public forum if you're asked to take matter s€to PM anyway? If you wanted a slow, personal, one-on-one conversation with the target, you could use e-mail. But we don't want that. If we liked e-mail for communication, chats and forums wouldn't be current - we'd hang out in newsgroups instead. 80s style. But we have surpassed that technology, at least on the world wide web, simply because we don't want seperate, one-on-one discussions - we want public ones, where everyone can take part - just like I'm jumping in with my opinion right now.

This is a public forum. I will not argue against the use of PMs in general, but if something started out as a public discussion, it makes no sense to force it private. If the discussion in question hadn't developed out of another public discussion, it would have started out as a PM anyway.

Look at it this way: Let's say the topic was "make-up of the lonelygirl15 actors", and out of it developed a two-people discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of Breebrows. The very fact that this two-people discussion could evolve can only mean two things: Either the public finds it interesting, or had nothing more to add to the previous topic and stopped posting. Either way, no one is disturbed by the discussion, it is the natural continuation of the previous topic, and anybody who does find the topic interesting can join.

So why tell these two people to "take it to PM", just because they kept talking to each other when the rest moved on to another topic? Is a thread worth less if fewer people post in it?

P.S.: Thinking about it, alt.religion.hymnofone would be kinda cool.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

I guess I should chime in here in an attempt to explain what occured.

I posted the following suggestion in the Maddison Atkins thread today, in a topic that has some IRC chat logs in it.
Apo wisely and with some idea of what he's talking about wrote:Hi.

I wanted to offer a suggestion here. As I am not playing the game, I am not sure it will be welcome. In fact, my concern may have already been addressed.

Other areas of this forum have had people voice issues over the posting of IRC chat logs. That hasn't occured here in this area yet.

I do not intend to visit this chatroom. If the chat is going to be copied here, then I would like to suggest to whomever is running it the following:

Please post a permanent disclaimer at the IRC chatroom for this game stating that anything posted there is subject to being copied at this forum.

Thank you. This is merely my own opinion and suggestion.

I have placed in bold where this was directed at the person who is currently administrating the IRC chat channel for the game. It was not general announcement. bethy mistook it for one. Her opinion and reply are listed above in her response.

Frankly, I did feel that her tone was a tad disrespectful; her response above uses the words "moronic and stupid" regarding my suggestion. That isn't the point here.

I did not know who the administrator for the chat channel is. I still don't. surrealisticpill graciously informed me that whoever it is decided to adopt my well-intentioned suggestion.

So, though it may have been posted in the forum publicly, it was a communication between myself and the chat administrator. It was not meant as a public comment for debate. When trainer saw bethy's concern, he wisely moved the concern regarding the use of the PM system here.

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Post by bethy »

TJ Marsh wrote:I think the mods do a great job, and they try there best to take it to pm, that way its just u guys having the convo, one on one, that way there is more time to take on the promblem.

Once agian, great job, mods!

But TJ...if there's no need to discuss it with the Mod, there's no need to go to PM. This particular situation had NOTHING to do with me or the Mod. It was a general issue.

Especially since up until now the posting of chat transcripts has been strictly forbidden because mods are somehow afraid that people don't want personal information posted on the forums. Well, it makes no sense since the chat room are JUST AS PUBLIC as the forums. If people don't want personal information in the chat logs, then they shouldn't discuss it in the chat room. Anybody could be sitting in there logging the chat...even hidden logging programs...anyone with access to the servers.

Yet, there seems to be the air of sacredness around here to what happens in chats is somehow more secure than Ft. Knox. This is a general issue, and I have no reason to discuss it with a mod via PM.
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Post by Broken Kid »

This is a perfect example of a conversation that should be discussed via PM. There's plenty of good things to discuss on the forum... not sure why this is taking up time.
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Post by bethy »

Thanks for making my point for me, BK. :roll:

General forum issues have no business being in PM. Since when is the posting of chat logs a personal issue?

Thanks for the brushoff.
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Post by TJ Marsh »

bethy wrote:
TJ Marsh wrote:I think the mods do a great job, and they try there best to take it to pm, that way its just u guys having the convo, one on one, that way there is more time to take on the promblem.

Once agian, great job, mods!

But TJ...if there's no need to discuss it with the Mod, there's no need to go to PM. This particular situation had NOTHING to do with me or the Mod. It was a general issue.

Especially since up until now the posting of chat transcripts has been strictly forbidden because mods are somehow afraid that people don't want personal information posted on the forums. Well, it makes no sense since the chat room are JUST AS PUBLIC as the forums. If people don't want personal information in the chat logs, then they shouldn't discuss it in the chat room. Anybody could be sitting in there logging the chat...even hidden logging programs...anyone with access to the servers.

Yet, there seems to be the air of sacredness around here to what happens in chats is somehow more secure than Ft. Knox. This is a general issue, and I have no reason to discuss it with a mod via PM.
I totally agree, but there more people on the forum, then there are in chat. people must learn that they should not post pvt info at all on the internet. And All the staff on lonelygirl15, do there best to handle privacys.
Im not trying to attack or nothin, im just puting my opinion in.

Honestly, if you find it a issue, i suggest u email miles about why chats arent allowed at

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Post by bethy »

TJ....that's cool. Opinions are great. I wish everyone expressed them more often.

I know why chats weren't allowed. I never agreed with their reasoning fully, but I understood it and I went along with it.

But they apparently are allowed now, which I find odd because it's a total reversal of policy, yet it's still ridiculous because we have to somehow warn everyone that the logs will posted in the forum and people can still ask the stuff be edited out?

That's what bothers me. If you say it, you say it, and if it's relevant in anyway then it should be posted if it's going to be posted. The problem is that some people who do the editing have different ideas about what's relevant and what isn't.

Therefore, I honestly think it should go back to the no logs policy.

Personally, I prefer that no chats be done at all and all work be done on the forums so everyone benefits and everyone can see what transpired.
Last edited by bethy on Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TJ Marsh »

bethy wrote:TJ....

I know why chats weren't allowed. I never agreed with their reasoning fully, but I understood it and I went along with it.

But they apparently are allowed now, which I find odd becuase it's a total reversal of policy.
I find it odd as well..
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