Why not have viewers pick sides?

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Why not have viewers pick sides?

Post by KittyTaylor »

Why not post the videos that everyone can see normally? Then make a few hidden ones that you can only see when logged in. Then people can pick sides... for the order or against it.

I'm sure there will be people who cheat and have two names so that they can see both videos. But for most of us who like to play along, it would be neat to have videos that only friends of BDJ or The Order can see.
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Post by imagin »

Interesting thought... I'm not sure the idea of playing with two names ought to be considered "cheating" though. If people want to be more active, they should be allowed to be.

Somehow I have this impression that we ought to allow the creator of a game their right to make the rules... and determine what may or may not be cheating, and what might or might not be necessary to the game or most enjoyable for the players...
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Post by Flautapantera »

I'm going to move this over to Suggestions, Kitty. :)
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Post by Killthesmiley »

its an interesting concept.
But just for your further information, most of us who are OpAPhid fans have picked a side

OpAphid (Oppy, Op, Aphid, sexylicious) = The order
Tachyon (Tachyon, Tach the On, The Orger, Bootylicious, Tachy) = The Resistence against the order aka The Scooby Crew AKA the Teen Angst Crew aka Bree, Daniel and Jonas.

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Post by KittyTaylor »

Flautapantera wrote:I'm going to move this over to Suggestions, Kitty. :)
Thanks, I meant to reply to the post asking what the viewers thought about making videos different colors to tell who they were meant for.

But somehow I posted it in the wrong spot? Thanks for moving it.
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Post by wintermute »

There's been some discussion of this idea in the OpA forums. While it's generally agreed that it's a great idea in theory, it's also generally agreed that it wouldn't work the greatest in practice. The biggest fear is that it would cause animosity amongst the players. I don't see how that could be properly addressed before hand.

Also, the people who don't come to the site, which is quite possibly the majority of viewers, would have no idea what was going on.

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Post by xovonchezio »

I'm not really sure about this suggestion. Somewhat I agree and somewhat I disagree. I think that a user should be asked if he is for the Order or for the Resistance. However, the viewer will still get to see videos from the opposite side as if you don't, you might be clueless about some of the videos from your side. A logical idea? Yes. Might need some touching up? Yes. My opinion is to ask a user if they are on the Order or on the Resistance and then that will appear in the forums... and maybe have a private forum section for the Order people and a private forum section for the Resistance people! :)
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Post by janesalteredstates »

My "character" is not on a side that she knows of :?
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Post by PushedButton »

Nice idea!...have a story line based on the idea that you're not sure who to trust.... then clearly divide who you can and cant trust by giving them team colors...
Even if you did have a story where you could rigidly stick to goodies and baddies as a formula you'd still be able to sign up another account to see both sides of the story, so not only is your idea a bit stupid, I've just farted.
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Post by silvermoon »

PushedButton wrote:Nice idea!...have a story line based on the idea that you're not sure who to trust.... then clearly divide who you can and cant trust by giving them team colors...
Even if you did have a story where you could rigidly stick to goodies and baddies as a formula you'd still be able to sign up another account to see both sides of the story, so not only is your idea a bit stupid, I've just farted.
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Post by kittenishtrance »

PushedButton wrote:Nice idea!...have a story line based on the idea that you're not sure who to trust.... then clearly divide who you can and cant trust by giving them team colors...
Even if you did have a story where you could rigidly stick to goodies and baddies as a formula you'd still be able to sign up another account to see both sides of the story, so not only is your idea a bit stupid, I've just farted.
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