I'd suggest the following once your video is complete (to make it even more fun).
1. Create new YouTube and Revver accounts under the name of your "character".
2. Post your video as "response video" to a Bree video.
3. Get a 'forum friend' to post the link in new releases and see if anyone can guess whether you are "Canon" or not. (You can PM me if you want me to post the link for you).
I definitely have the ability to be a Bree in training, but I have no idea what I would talk about! Or even a storyline!
I wrote a screenplay for my Drama final last year, but I don't think I have the time to sit down a make another one, twisting along with Bree's crazy plot, or even forming my own.
Raspberry Lemonade Slurpees!
Daniel, Ma Belle and all its inhabitants (past and present) own my heart.
I have written a script for everyone that has inquired about the challenge.
Still in the process of matching the scripts with the girls.
I won't say how many because I don't want to ruin the mystery but let's just say that given the videos that already have shown up, if all the scripts from the challenge get made, trainer's estimate of 12 potential "other girls" is conservative.
I think Ziola would make the perfect "Nanny", depending on her age.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
I would for sure do it, but my camera is only a digital camera and so the quality isn't very good. And my software isn't compatable with my camera's file format, so I can't alter it once it's recorded... hence no editing (which is distinctly NON-lonelygirl). lol If it wasn't for that, I would totally do it because I've done a role similar to this once and I think I could pull it off. Darn you crappy camera! Darn you!!!
LOL, even though I don't think I would get it, that would be soooo totally fun! Question: where do we get the script you spoke of? Question: We would need a new YouTube account, right?
DifferentFree wrote:LOL, even though I don't think I would get it, that would be soooo totally fun! Question: where do we get the script you spoke of? Question: We would need a new YouTube account, right?
PM Immortal1, he's been writing scripts for all of us.
You don' thave to make a new YouTube account, but I feel like that is part of the fun! There are plenty of places you can make a new email address to register a new YouTube account for. I personally use Yahoo.