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Post by Killthesmiley »

Pluto huh?
Pluto had it's claim to fame as a planet recently taken away, only to be later given it back 24 hours later (due to mass teacher hysteria...i guess).
It's interesting you mentioned that.
You've video is all about helping pluto adjust to being ... different. It's interesting your mentioning that because your in this completely new situation. You're trying to find a way to adjust in a new situation. And then...a completely humiliating situation...which isn't cool.
You felt...probably...left out. And a loner. And completely different. And here is the possibility for a new girl...coming in, and feeling the same way, after you've grown out of your shell. Almost taking over your place. No...technically she is taking over your place.
But it's interesting. You're mentioning Pluto, given your situation.

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Post by Killthesmiley »

PS: Whats up with the cephalopod tag?

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Post by mincartaugh »

What cephalopod tag?
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Post by longlostposter »

mincartaugh wrote:What cephalopod tag?
Mincar, video tags are words that a person places as a "tag" to a video, so that if a person does a search of that particular word, they are led to the video. One of the things that happens in LG15 videos, is that there are often strange tags on them, and sometimes they end up meaning something. An example of the earlier videos had the tag "tachyon". It was investigated, and dismissed as irrelevant at the
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Post by anniid »

No matter what anyone says...even in the science community...
Pluto is SO a planet...
I would feel lost and empty if it was a dwarf...
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Post by KelQuelle »

I can understand why Pluto can and can't be considered a planet, but you can't quite classify it with UB-313 and what not.

Then again, a lot of people thought UB-313 could be the tenth planet back in 2003...
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Post by mincartaugh »

Cephalopod is a zoological categorization. It basically means a creature based on the number 5 with an evenly distributed left and right side. A human is a cephalopod. (two arms, two legs, one head) In fact, all vertebrate life forms are cephalopods. So why doesn't this fit in the tag?
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Post by longlostposter »

mincartaugh wrote:Cephalopod is a zoological categorization. It basically means a creature based on the number 5 with an evenly distributed left and right side. A human is a cephalopod. (two arms, two legs, one head) In fact, all vertebrate life forms are cephalopods. So why doesn't this fit in the tag?
What are you talking about?
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Looking deeper

Post by Isabella »

I still think that pluto leads to something.
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Post by mincartaugh »

longlostposter wrote:
mincartaugh wrote:Cephalopod is a zoological categorization. It basically means a creature based on the number 5 with an evenly distributed left and right side. A human is a cephalopod. (two arms, two legs, one head) In fact, all vertebrate life forms are cephalopods. So why doesn't this fit in the tag?
What are you talking about?
Hey, ask Killthesmiley. She's the one brought it up. I am a tad confused as well.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

mincartaugh wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
mincartaugh wrote:Cephalopod is a zoological categorization. It basically means a creature based on the number 5 with an evenly distributed left and right side. A human is a cephalopod. (two arms, two legs, one head) In fact, all vertebrate life forms are cephalopods. So why doesn't this fit in the tag?
What are you talking about?
Hey, ask Killthesmiley. She's the one brought it up. I am a tad confused as well.
Human's are definately NOT cephalpods Mincartaugh. Cephalpods are ocean invertabre's like Squid and Octupi.
The cephalopods (Greek plural Κεφαλόποδα (kephalópoda); "head-foot") are the mollusk class Cephalopoda characterized by bilateral body symmetry, a prominent head, and a modification of the mollusk foot, a muscular hydrostat, into the form of arms or tentacles. Teuthology, a branch of malacology, is the study of cephalopods.

The class contains two extant subclasses. In the Coleoidea, the mollusk shell has been internalized or is absent; this subclass includes the octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish. In the Nautiloidea the shell remains; this subclass includes the nautilus. There are around 786 distinct living species of Cephalopods. Two important extinct taxa are Ammonoidea, the ammonites, and Belemnoidea, the belemnites.

Cephalopods are found in all the oceans of the world and at all depths. None of them can tolerate freshwater, but a few species do tolerate more or less brackish water.

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Post by mincartaugh »

My bad, smiley. I was taking it from memory of a project I did about a dozen years ago. I should have looked it up. Now. Why are we talking about cephalopod tags?
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Post by Killthesmiley »

mincartaugh wrote:My bad, smiley. I was taking it from memory of a project I did about a dozen years ago. I should have looked it up. Now. Why are we talking about cephalopod tags?
On the Pluto video from the older Vlogs, Bree discusses Pluto and such. Yet the Tags fro teh video include cephalopod. Nothing concerning cephalopods was mentioned in the video. Nothing even remotely close. (OOG-see my post in plot discussion).
I find it odd. Strange. And important.
I'm curious what Bree meant by the original video, her new mention of Pluto, and the odd tag.

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Post by mincartaugh »

Killthesmiley wrote:
mincartaugh wrote:My bad, smiley. I was taking it from memory of a project I did about a dozen years ago. I should have looked it up. Now. Why are we talking about cephalopod tags?
On the Pluto video from the older Vlogs, Bree discusses Pluto and such. Yet the Tags fro teh video include cephalopod. Nothing concerning cephalopods was mentioned in the video. Nothing even remotely close. (OOG-see my post in plot discussion).
I find it odd. Strange. And important.
I'm curious what Bree meant by the original video, her new mention of Pluto, and the odd tag.
OK, now I'm getting it. ...or not getting it along with you... um. yeah. well.
So, Bree, what do cephalopods have to do with Pluto?
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