Hahaha I'm sorry, but it's true. For me, lonelygirl15 is about Bree. Always was, always will be, and if this new girl is here to replaced Bree, then it won't be LG15 anymore, and I won't be watching.
Honestly, I like Taylor the most out of all three. Maddy is too much of a big, shiny ARG and Jules.... well, Jules is just a horrible actress. Taylor seemed nice, and there could be the possibility of Sam as the new girl instead of Taylor.
All I'm hoping is that if the new girl is Jules or Taylor... their acting gets better with time. *crosses fingers*
anyway yeah I agree with you. Basically, I'll take anyone but this Jules girl. I'd prefer no new girl at all, though, but everyone alreadys knows how I feel about that.
If it had to be anyone, I'd want it to be...someone besides Maddy, Jules, or Taylor. I actually don't like any of them very much.
i have no idea where taylor came from or how she was discovered although some of you seam to like her personality. Jules does have bad acting and looks to steriotyped it makes me think they are just throwing use herrings and let use hope we catch the right one.
Seaming as maddy has more content and organiseation about her videos than the rest im leaning her way right. Now its like when maddy made her apearance all over again no one knows all the facts and are desprate to figure out which is canon
I wouldn't mind a new girl as long as it is used as a subplot and not to take over lg15. Have Like 5-10 episodes about her.
The problem is I hate all three of the girls! None of them can act even for LG standards! Taylor is the least annoying but I still don't want to watch her!
I have to say I might not mind a new girl, but neither Madd or Jules seem to fit the same way Jessica does. Jules has the kind of acting that is alright for a 8th grade play... definately cute but not quite believable. Ms. Maddison and her friend fail at realism as well. BDJ all seem so believable! There is a definate contrast. I missed the cassie arg and got kind of lost w/ ophaid. So when I heard about a new one I got so excited! But then I started watching. A lot of the filming it like a movie is making it difficult to believe they're video blogging as well. I think NikiB is kind of annoying (in a highly caffeinated soccer mom kind of way) but I enjoy her b/c she is informative and still seems very real. Is it really that hard to find people at the same lvl as her and BDJ?
Although I select "log me on forever" or whatever it says, it keeps logging me out, and then it rejects my password so I have to reset another with my e-mail, then I change my password again, then it rejects it, and I do the whole thing every time I want to log on. So, seeing as my e-mail's been unavailable for the past two weeks, I've been watching all of these exciting videos completely unable to comment...!!! Gaaaaah!
But, that's a rant for another thread.
This whole new girl thing... Oh, looooord. I don't like the sound of this at all.
I don't mind there being a new girl if she's completely absent from the videos -- you know what I mean? As a plot concept. As in, Bree knows there's a new girl, The Order is using her to get to Bree of whatever... But I don't want her to appear in the series. I'm afraid that might dilute it. This format doesn't leave that much room for an excessive amount of characters, and it's just a bit irritating when they pop in and leave again, so if she has to exist, I'd prefer her off screen.
That said, If I had to CHOOSE between the three presented to us thus far, I'd pick the soccer chick because she's the one that I feel less of a murderous impulse to. O_o
Something about Maddy Atkins really bothers me. She seems nice, but... she just bothers me. I don't think she's right for the story, it really is an ARG.
And the Jules child... oh, god! She seems like a nice, sweet, innocent little girl. She seems like she's 12. It's a problem really since the storyline has become so mature and it really requires some character to handle it. I mean, I don't know how old her character is, but it can't be any older than a freshman in high school, and so far we've seen drugs, murder, underage drinking... O_O She just wouldn't work, it would weigh the story down.
The soccer girl is nothing to be excited about, but I can tolerate her. She is older, and though she's sitting in her soccer jersey with a soccer ball on the wall and a soccer picture frame of her and her "bff" (O_O I was sitting at school, and at that point in the video I was half tempted to go get someone to look at it for me and make sure I wasn't hallucinating, lol)... the girl seems like she has a stronger personality for the part, and like she could handle a more mature situation without making the whole thing seem totally ridiculous.
Yep. And that's the rant that I've had stewing all day, lol. The video was posted during my first period but (because I couldn't get to my e-mail...!!!) I couldn't respond on the video thread. Which was on page one. O_O Oh, there was pain! hehehe. Aaanyway... yes.
I don't want there to be a new girl. But if there has to be, I'd go with the soccer chick. Maybe they'll give us a few more options. I like the idea of having many people to choose from.
O_O The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. O_O
Actually, the more I read, I'm seconding the Cassie votes. That's someone I could live with, and if they use the itscassie girl, I'd be soooo happy for her. Then again, that's probably pretty difficult, but I don't care, lol. I like Cassie much better than these creeps.
O_O The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. The Hymn of One is Fun. O_O
Actually, the more I read, I'm seconding the Cassie votes. That's someone I could live with, and if they use the itscassie girl, I'd be soooo happy for her. Then again, that's probably pretty difficult, but I don't care, lol. I like Cassie much better than these creeps.
Itscassie is the best fanfic ever, but she will never be cannon[/b]
I'm confused about why those who like Maddy want her to be the new girl. Doesn't that go totally against her character? Do you want her just so she's canon? If that's the case, the more logical option would be Mr Zipp's only child, and Maddy can be Maddy, not some wacko HoO girl. Now, in case they make Zipp's daughter the new girl, I hope they keep their hands off the ARG or Maddy's character. Not many people watching LG want a full-fledged ARG anyway. Don't even call it the official LG ARG. Thanks!
ETA: Then you can have Zipp's daughter be anyone. Taylor, Jules, Cassie, Alex, Jonas. Yes, Jonas would make for a badass "new girl," infiltrate the ceremony and all of a sudden pull out the gun and off everyone on the Temple ala Kill Bill.
Last edited by deagol on Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.