Cassie is a former friend of Bree's from school who used to talk to her, but who was put off by Bree's religion. In Swimming!, Bree talks about how she and Cassie used to walk around the track during Bree's brief enrollment in public school. When Bree asks Daniel about Cassie, he brushes it off and says he doesn't know who she's talking about.
In "My Helper", Bree reveals that she did interact with Cassie outside of school for a bit, but Cassie was put off by Bree's religion and after Bree returned to homeschooling Cassie stopped calling her.
Bree mentions Cassie again in the video Bree Phone Home. She mentions that she got into trouble once for making prank phone calls with Cassie. Cassie would call people and try to freak them out by creepily whispering "I'm watching you..." She went too far and since the caller ID on their phone was not blocked, they got a lot of angry call backs from the people they had pranked. Bree says she took the blame when her parents confronted her. She stopped talking to Cassie after that and hasn't seen her since.