To recap, Maddison's video Immerse Myself contains shots of her watching the adventures of the TAAG, but also contains shots of a video that isn't by the usual suspects:

I sent Maddison a youtube message asking her about this:
and she replied:ignatzmouse15 wrote:To: maddisonatkins
Sent: April 13, 2007
Subject: Immerse Yourself
Dear Maddison,
I got a pointer to your videos from the lonelygirl15 forums, and I had a question about "Immerse Yourself". You're watching videos from Bree and the gang, most of which I recognize, but there's some I don't recall seeing. Here are a couple of screenshots so you can see the ones I'm talking about: ... merse1.jpg ... merse2.jpg
It looks like it might be surveillance footage of Bree and the boys. Perhaps this comes from their "lost week" after they left Vegas? Could it be that Mr Zipp set you up with a high privilege youtube account that has access to videos that we mere mortals can't see?
Any chance you could send me the info on these videos, like the video descriptions, etc? I'll pass it on to everyone else on the LG15 forums.
I hope you're not feeling too overwhelmed by all this recent excitement.
Best wishes,
I. Mouse.
I had another look at the video just now, and noticed the following:maddisonatkins wrote:Sent: April 14, 2007
Subject: Re: Immerse Yourself
I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that the accounts were set up for me. I even had subscriptions in place when I got there.
If I have some sort of special account here, then I don't know how it was set up.
You know
ignatzmouse15 wrote:
> Dear Maddison,
> I got a pointer to your videos from the lonelygirl15 forums, and I had a...

so I sent Maddison another youtube message:
I hope Maddison can find those videos. If not, I hope she can remember what was in them...ignatzmouse15 wrote:To: maddisonatkins
Sent: April 14, 2007
Subject: Re: Re: Immerse Yourself
Hi Maddison,
I had another look at your video, and noticed a section I'd overlooked before, where you're watching a youtube video: ... merse3.jpg ... detail.jpg
The text isn't perfectly legible, but it looks like it says something like "Private Transmission/The Order". If so, this confirms my suspicion that Mr. Zipp set you up with a high-privilege youtube account, which has access to Order private communications. Wow!
Can you have a look to see if you can still see these videos? If so, is there any chance you can send me the video URLs, the youtube userid, and the video descriptions?
I realize I'm bugging you about this at a time when you've got other things on your mind, but this information could make a big difference.
- Ignatz.
maddisonatkins wrote:
> I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that the accounts were set up for me. I even had subscriptions...
(OOG) These are the Private Transmission videos from the TAAG kidnapping. OOG we know all about them, but IG we have to feign ignorance. If we can get enough info out of Maddison about these videos, we may be able to fill B/D/J in on what happened in their lost week.
One thing I'm not sure about is whether this was deliberate or not: the private videos are very prominent (even the Private Transmission splash is shown!) but Madisson's answer is very cagey, and doesn't seem to me like a PM saying "ha ha you spotted my clever clue'.
I'm not sure how much to push on this, as there is a decent chance that this is just a continuity error, and I'm just causing a headache for the PM / Creators.