crazcritrchic wrote:If this girl really is a communications major, then she should stick to that and not fanfic.
I liked your post until the final line, at which point you proved that the first line was true.
At least she's trying. It takes a lot of courage to put one's own self out here like this and subject theirself to the scrutiny and cruelty that anonymity allows. If nothing else, when surveys find that more people are afraid of speaking in public than they are of
dying (which you should probably know as a theatre student), she deserves a little bit of respect.
I know I sure wouldn't do what all these fanfic people do. Yeah, some of them can't act well, but they will make the attempt.
Be critical, yes. Be honest in that criticism, yes. Don't tell somebody to give up. Six years ago could you have acted as you can now? I hope to God that the answer is "no," or your theatre classes were probably a waste of time.
In any event, she's never going to get better if she doesn't try. Hell, the actors in LG15 went to school to be actors, and they've improved
tremendously. Sure, they were always pretty good actors since
they've been in the series, but I doubt they were always good actors.
Sorry if I seem a little annoyed with you, but I can't ignore something like that. The girl reads this forum. Think she's not going to see that? As critical as I am of this series and the Creators' decisions with it (at times, I've thought of myself as probably the Creators' most reviled fan; they seriously have to hate me by now), I still encourage them, and I still believe they're capable of doing good things (in part because I continue to see them do good things; not perfect, maybe, and not without bad, but the good is there). I don't believe in the idea of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," but I do believe in the idea that "If saying something harsh isn't necessary, don't say it."